
The Way it Was

Friday, April 28, 2006

100 years ago

Texas opens fire on The Beef Trust

DALLAS, Texas -- The antitrust suits predicted two weeks ago have materialized in the State District Court in Austin. On evidence produced in Dallas and Fort Worth, Assistant Attorney General Lightfoot has begun proceedings against Swift & Co., the Armour Packing Company, the Fort Worth Livestock Yards Company, alleging they are trusts, and asking that their charters be forfeited and each assessed penalties of $116,000.

Petitions were also filed in suits against 21 individuals, or firms, charged with being parts of these four large concerns. An officer appeared at Fort Worth, serving warrants on all the defendants.

50 years ago

50 Nevada Boy Scouts attending Camporall

Approximately 50 Boy Scouts of Troop No. 40 are spending the weekend camping out at the troop campsite located about 15 miles southeast of Nevada. They were accompanied by Scoutmaster Edward Woodington and assistants Bud McGee and John Burnos, and parents assisted with transportation.

The camp activities began Friday evening after school and included religious services this morning, with Howard Runyan as the speaker. The camp will break up at about 2 o'clock this afternoon.

The troop campsite consists of 40 acres located on Clear Creek, southeast of Nevada. It is hoped that a building may be constructed there for use of the group at a later date.