
The Way It Was

Friday, July 21, 2006

100 years ago

Federal building at Nevada

Postmaster O.W. Neff, of this city, is in receipt of the following communication from the Treasury department concerning the new federal building to be erected in this city which will be of public interest

WASHINGTON, July 18, 1906

The Postmaster, Nevada, Mo.

Sir -- In reply to your letter of the 13th instant asking for information regarding the beginning of the work on the proposed Federal building in Nevada, Mo., you are advised that until the site is actually vested in the control of the Government nothing definite can be done, but it is believed that work on the drawing will be limited to adjusting the original drawings made for this building to the conditions of a new site, and that, therefore, actual building operations, should be begun shortly after the acquisition of the site by the Government and the usual advertisement bids,.


J.K. Taylor, supervising architect

50 years ago

Dates of the fair are set

Vernon County's Youth Fair will be held Friday and Saturday, Sept. 7 and 8, it was announced Saturday. It is planned to hold the fair on the new fairgrounds park just east of Nevada.

It is hoped that a building can be completed by that time to house livestock, dairy, field crops, and some exhibits so it will not be necessary to use tents.

The fair will be for youth organizations in the county including 4-H, FFA, JFA, FHA, Girl and Boy Scouts. All exhibits will be judged on the Danish System and be placed with blue, red and white ribbons unless the quality is too inferior in which no ribbons will be awarded.