Vernon County United Way has successful recertification

Sunday, July 30, 2006


Adam Dean, board president, announced recently that the United Way of Vernon County has successfully completed all of the United Way of American membership requirements satisfactorily and on time. The requirements included, membership requirements certification, membership investment, income and expense survey and a survey of resources generated.

"The membership standards must be certified annually in order for us to remain a member of the United Way system. It is important for us to maintain a high standard of accountability and this is part of the process to document that our operations are transparent and meet or exceed United Way membership criteria," Dean said.

The board of United Way of Vernon County reviewed and approved the certification in April 2006. The certification also mandates completion of 13 requirements along with verification of the status of 40 indicators that demonstrate a United Way embodies the intent of the membership requirements.

"It is critically important that all United Ways meet the highest standards and verify on paper that they have conformed to the stringent requirements of membership in the United Way system. We applaud and congratulate the United Way of Vernon County for demonstrating their commitment by completing the recertification process," said Brian Gallagher, president of CEO, United Way of America.

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