Regional conference draws business leaders

Sunday, October 15, 2006
Steve Moyer/Herald-Tribune Local businessman Sonny Butler signs up for one of many door prizes at the Kaysinger Business Conference in Nevada, on Thursday.

By Steve Moyer


Nevada, Mo. -- Business people, potential business people and organizations that cater to them were all gathered in the Haidee and Allen Wild Center for the Arts Thursday to share ideas on entrepreneurial enterprises.

The conference was designed to bring together successful business people from the surrounding counties that comprise the Kaysinger Basin Regional Planning Commission's area to share their insights on growing businesses, obtaining financing, managing employees, using technology and more.

Nevada/Vernon County Chamber of Commerce director Kathi Wysong was excited about the conference and what it could mean to Nevada and the surrounding area.

"This is so important for us," Wysong said. "It is a wonderful opportunity to find out what resources are available to businesses and to grow and in turn that will help the whole area to grow."

Dr. Judy Rogers, president of Cottey College, welcomed the guests to the conference. Jeff Tweten, chairman of the 2006 conference, gave the opening remarks.

Patti Penny, founder of Penmac Personnel Service, was the first speaker and spoke of her experience starting and expanding her business.

"There were 200 or more businesses like mine in the same city when I started," Penny said. "The issue was how to make Penmac service stand out."

After Penny spoke, the conference took a short time out and then attendees went into one of two sessions, one held in the auditorium and one in the Missouri Recital Hall.

After lunch, held in the Raney Dining Room, door prizes were awarded to attendees before they headed back in to the sessions.

Nevada's own Steve Highlander, owner of World Visions Internet Services, LLC, was the presenter in one session, "Effective Use of the Internet," a roundtable discussion of how the Internet has changed over the past two years, current trends, what technology is available, and several other related subjects.

Raeanne Presley, Presley's Country Jubilee and member of the Missouri Tourism Committee presented a speech titled, "40 years of Banjos, Boots and Billboards," in the Missouri Recital Hall.

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