
The Way it Was

Thursday, November 16, 2006

100 years ago

Banks robbed last week

The approach of winter is always accompanied by robberies of various kinds, and these are not confined to any one section, for all communities suffer more or less from the depredations of criminals who seek a livelihood by stealing from good citizens instead of gaining their meat and bread by honest labor. This county has been a victim of he thieves and the bank robbery in Walker is one of the boldest and most unlawful deeds so far committed. It is hardly probable that these desperate criminals will ever be caught, as it is the history of bank robberies that if the bandits are not followed and caught at once they seldom ever captured.

50 years ago

Contest for youngster in county

The Daily Mail and Herald sponsored contests during the Christmas season for children, 10 years of age and under is now under way. Cash awards in both of the contests will be presented to the lucky winners. So get your pencils out kids and put on your thinking caps and let's all enter the two big contests.

One contest will be for would be artists and will have its theme, "Spirit of Christmas." This contest starts Nov. 24 and will close Dec. 16. A prize of $2 will be awarded each week and the winning drawing will be published in The Herald.

The second contest is "Letters to Santa Claus." Youngsters may submit their Christmas lists to the old gent via The Daily Mail and should be in their own handwriting and their own ideas.

Three prizes for the best letters. First, $10, second, $5, and third, $3. The winning letters will be published in the paper.