
The Way it Was

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

100 years ago

The new electric road

General manager C.C. McFann informs the Daily Mail that the right of way for the new electric road has been secured through Cedar, Dade and Green counties and through Vernon County except from the east line of Center township to Nevada, a small portion between Nevada and Richards. The finance committee has not yet finished its work, but as soon as this is completed and the remainder of the right of way secured Mr. McFann will then to Chicago to close up all preliminary matters.

50 years ago

Soil bank corn plan rejected

Vernon County corn producers left no doubt as to which of the available corn programs they desire in yesterdays' referendum. The vote in Vernon County was 87 votes in favor of corn soil bank base acreage allotments. To have been in effect, corn solid bank base acreage's would have required 66 and two-third percent majority, and was soundly defeated in Vernon County.

Vernon County ASC Officials are suprised at the unusually low vote which represents less tan 10 percent off the eligible voters in the county. Although the exact figures are not available at this time, we are advised that the national results of the referendum favor corn.