
The Way it Was

Tuesday, June 5, 2007

100 years ago

Body to be exhumed

MEXICO, Mo. -- The body of W.E. Reed, the stockman who was killed in this city on the night of May 10, will be disinterred immediately and examination made by experts to determine the cause of death.

This morning Sheriff Price Johnson, Prosecuting Attorney John D. O'Rear and Coroner Coil decided that they would request Judge Barnett to order a special grand jury to further investigate the mysterious killing of Reed.

50 years ago

Warning on motor scooters

Chief of Police Darrell Estes Jr., announced today that his office has received numerous complaints from residents about youngsters riding motor scooters about the community.

Chief Estes said operators of motor scooters must be 16 years of age, have a driver's license and the scooter must have state and city licenses.