Seatbelt law enforcement effort set for Nov. 26

Friday, November 21, 2008

The Nevada Police Department is joining with other law enforcement agencies on Nov. 26 for an aggressive "Click It or Ticket" crack down on Missouri's safety belt law violations and to reduce highway fatalities.

Police Chief Gary R. Herstein said regular safety belt use is the single most effective way to protect people and reduce fatalities in motor vehicle crashes.

Nearly one in four Missourians still fail to regularly wear their safety belts when driving or riding in a motor vehicle. Among those least likely to buckle up: young males, pickup truck drivers and their passengers, people who live in rural areas, and nighttime drivers.

Failure to wear a safety belt can be deadly. In 2007, a driver in a Missouri traffic crash had a 1 in 322 chance of being killed if they were not wearing a seat belt. In cases where the driver wore a seatbelt, their chance of being killed was onein 1,309.

For more information on Missouri seat belt usage, visit

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