Letter to the Editor

Say "No" to flu shots

Thursday, September 17, 2009

There is mounting "hysteria" over the H1N1 influenza ("swine flu") and much of the hype seems to be excessive. The following is my opinion and does not necessarily agree with that of any other physician or organization in Nevada.

The swine flu virus is an odd one for several reasons. It is an atypical combination of human, pig, and bird flu strains. It first appeared in Mexico, an unusual location, and in the spring, an unusual time. It is considered a fairly mild flu virus and not considered to be any more dangerous than the "usual" seasonal flu. (which kills around 30,000 people in the U.S. each winter) Some say that it could "mutate" into a more virulent form, but mutations usually lead to milder forms.

There is a big push for everyone to get flu shots, but there are legitimate concerns over their safety, and whether they even help. Flu shots contain mercury (except for the single-dose vials) and some contain the adjuvants aluminum or squalene. Adjuvants are materials added to cause the body to react more vigorously to the shot. Aluminum has been associated with Alzheimer's Disease and one study revealed that if you get 3 flu shots you increase your chance of getting Alzheimer's by 10 times. There is concern that squalene may cause the formation of auto-antibodies against the body's own naturally-occurring squalene located throughout the nervous system. It was a component of the anthrax vaccine given to soldiers and believed to possibly have caused "Gulf War Symdrome", an array of many autoimmune disorders. There is a link between flu shots and an increased incidence of Guillain-Barre syndrome, a form of ascending paralysis.

Why is the government pushing flu vaccination so vigorously? I would like to think that it's only from concern about the citizenry, but I doubt it. The National Institutes of Health and the military contractor Dyncorp co-own some vaccine patents. This seems an odd partnership, but not that odd in this day of government/business mergers. They stand to make a ton of money from this vaccination campaign. And bear in mind that the vaccine manufacturers have been given blanket immunity from prosecution over vaccine adverse effects ( you might say they have "equal protection" with the elite bankers! ).

There is evidence that the annual influenza epidemics are largely due to a decifiency of vitamin D (less sunshine exposure in the fall and winter) and I recommend supplements containing this to help boost immunity. So, get plenty of sunshine. Other ways to help include getting enough rest, drinking lots of purified water, washing hands, taking omega-3 oils (such as in cod liver and other fish oils), reducing intake of sugar (which inhibits immunity), and taking extra vitamin C (adults may take several grams per day). Spraying silver solution into the nose and throat at the first sign of infection is also helpful, as silver is a natural antibiotic and antiviral that germs do not develop immunity to.

Here's to your health,

Dr. Jones