Ladder safety important during holiday season

Saturday, November 14, 2009

When families start decorating for the holidays, odds are pretty good that at least one family member is going to spend some time on a portable ladder.

"Portable ladders are one of the handiest, simplest tools we use. But even though they are uncomplicated, planning and care are still required to use them safely," said Bob Schultheis, natural resource engineering specialist, University of Missouri Extension.

Each year in the U.S., accidents involving ladders cause an estimated 300 deaths and 130,000 injuries requiring emergency medical attention.

Ladder accidents usually are caused by improper selection, care or use, not by manufacturing defects. Some of the more common hazards involving ladders, such as instability, electrical shock, and falls, can be predicted and prevented.

"Prevention requires proper planning, correct ladder selection, good work procedures and adequate ladder maintenance," said Schultheis.

Some of the most common safety tips for ladders are worth repeating. Tips like do not hand-carry loads on a ladder and do not try reaching so far that you lose your balance.

"Instead of reaching just get down and move the ladder," said Schultheis.

Other safety suggestions include putting non-skid feet or spurs on the ladder and not standing on the ladder's top three rungs.

When setting up the ladder just remember that the base should be spaced one foot away for every four feet it reaches up.

Ladders that are used to reach a walking surface or roof must also extend at least 3 feet beyond.

"With the holidays coming up it is really important to take some precautions and follow the safety suggestions on all of the printed materials.

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