NEVC team takes first in district competition

Tuesday, March 30, 2010
On Saturday, March 27, the Northeast Vernon County FFA Parliamentary Procedures team traveled to compete at the District competition in Springfield, Mo., following the team's first place finish at the area competition. The students competed with seven other schools to qualify for the state competition in April. To qualify to state, teams had to rank in the top four schools. The team took a 25-question test and performed a 10-minute skit that tested their knowledge of Parliamentary Procedure and Robert's Rules of Order. They also answered oral questions about their skit in order to clarify the actions taken during the "meeting." After all of the schools had performed, it was announced that Northeast Vernon County took first place. They were followed by Stockton, Walnut Grove, Aurora, Willard, Mt. Vernon, El Dorado Springs, and Carthage. The members of the team will travel to Columbia, Mo., on April 15 and 16, to vie for a state championship. Team members, from left to right are Crystal Bogardus, Jordan Moyer, Chairman Clayton Gray, Spencer Hoagland, Issac Wilkins, and Layne Rapp. Not pictured are Tanner Stutzman (Alternate) and Adviser Mr. Chris Dryer. Northeast Vernon County will continue to compete at districts on Monday and Tuesday in the fields of Dairy Foods, Farm Management, Floriculture, Entomology, Dairy Cattle, Meats, and Ag Mechanics. --submitted photo

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