Top in the nation -- again

Thursday, July 7, 2011
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Spencer Hoagland, an incoming senior from Northeast Vernon County High School, was just awarded the top spot in the National Future Business Leaders of America Competition in Orlando, Fla., on Friday, July 1, for her testing knowledge in the field of Word Processing II. Along with the first place trophy, Spencer received a $500 check from Ellsworth Publishing Company who sponsored the Word Processing II competition. Just two years ago, Spencer was awarded first in the nation in Word Processing I. Northeast Vernon County Business Teacher Sheryl Hallam and FBLA Adviser Laurie Bybee spend both classroom and personal time helping FBLA students to prepare for district, state, and national competitions. Computer formatting, function, shortcuts, and ethics are just a few areas of testing along with grammar, spelling, and advanced word processing features that Hoagland was tested over. Spencer Hoagland is the daughter of John M. and Jeanne Hoagland of rural Schell City.

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