Nevada R-5 candidates share views

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Monty Smith

Monty Smith is seeking election to the Nevada R-5 Board of Education.


I am a multiline insurance agent with Missouri Farm Bureau Insurance Services and also own and operate S&S Cattle Co., a beef cow-calf operation.

Do you have any children in the Nevada R-5 School District? How many?

My wife, Peggy, and I have three daughters in school: Lize, a very actively involved sophomore at NHS; Courtney, a social and outgoing seventh grader at the middle school; and Madi, our highly energetic third grader with special needs, at Truman.

Why do you want to be on the school board?

I have a variety of experiences as an alumni of the school, a school parent, and an involved business person in the community that can be utilized. Serving on the school board would be a great way to use those (experiences.)

The bond issue for a new performing arts center, multi-purpose building, repairs to Wynn Gym and updating the district's infrastructure is on the April 3 ballot. Are you in favor of it, and why are you for it or against it?

Yes, I am in favor of improving our school system facilities. The IT system needs to be renovated and updated and the gym roof needs to be fixed right so we don't have the ongoing leaking problem. However, we need to make sure we have the financial ability to maintain what we currently have and then determine the future needs for additional facilities.

Is there any one thing you would like to see changed about the R-5 School District?

We should try to improve our knowledge of school funding and develop an understanding with all the stakeholders of the challenges that may be ahead with funding and state revenues.

What do you think is the best thing about the Nevada school district?

Its people! Having all three kids in school, I have seen many instances where they care about kids and their ability to learn and grow to their potential.

The worst?

There are always areas in any organization that can be improved.

One that could be improved is the communication between the district and the taxpayers and patrons. At times there seems to be a disconnect between the two.

I don't believe people mind spending tax money on schools as long as they understand what the funds are being spent for and why they are needed.

If the need is explained in detail then common sense understanding would prevail.

Is there anything else you would like to add?

Education is about creating opportunities to learn and grow. It takes the right environment, people and resources.

The reality is that we all learn every day, whether it be at school, work or just being involved with our families.

Our students need the best opportunities possible to do this.

Kim Niestrath

Kim Niestrath is seeking election to the Nevada R-5 Board of Education.


For the last 12 years I have made being a wife and mom my full-time occupation. My husband and I feel strongly that we are partners with the school in educating our children, because of this I volunteer at Bryan, Truman and Nevada Middle School every week. In some ways I am able to use my degree in education while volunteering at the schools.

Do you have any children in the Nevada R-5 District? How many?

Yes, we have three sons that are in sixth, fourth, and kindergarten.

Why do you want to be on the school board?

I want to help ensure that all children receive a great education in our community. Our oldest son has always been very smart, but he learned differently from other children. It took six years and various doctors and tests for us to come away with a diagnosis to allow him to receive special services through the school. It was a very long road and a hard process. In my volunteer work at the school I see more and more kids with learning styles that are not the "norm." The teachers are going to have to continually rise up to meet these challenges and they will have to keep adding to their tool kit. It will continue to be a challenge financially to train staff and teachers to educate children with all kinds of difficulties. It is my goal to help make sure the district uses its money wisely to give all children the best possible education.

The bond issue for a new performing arts center, multi-purpose building repairs to Wynn Gym and updating the district's infrastructure is on the April 3 ballot. Are you in favor of the project and why are you for it or against it?

I am absolutely in favor of this project. From what I understand of the process, feasibility studies were performed and a new school was not a financial possibility. I appreciate the diligence of the board to look at many options before settling for this one. We all want our students to have a top-notch education and the updates to the infrastructure are a must. Even though we may not all like it, everything is becoming digital. To help our students compete in the job market our district needs these upgrades. As far as the performing arts center and multi-purpose buildings, we need the space. The district has grown since the current structures were built in the 1950s. These improvements will not only benefit the students, but also the community. The additional space could be used by the community for conferences or lecture-type events.

Is there any one thing you would like to see changed about the R-5 School District?

I would like to see the process for obtaining services for children made easier. As a parent I knew that my child wasn't the same as other students, but I didn't know where to go for help. He had good grades but didn't fit into the norm. Sometimes I felt like I was banging my head against the wall. I finally talked to enough people and found the right person to help us. I understand there are procedures to be followed but I think they could be streamlined.

What do you think is the best thing about the Nevada school district?

The best thing is definitely the dedicated staff. There are several teachers that have made all the difference in our school year. When I have been at a loss for ways to help my boys, they have been there, encouraging me and sharing their wealth of experience. Also, during the six to seven hours that I spend volunteering each week at the three schools, I have the opportunity to see a lot of teachers and students. It is a pleasure to see employees that love the students, as well as their jobs.

The worst?

Funding. I would love for the district to be able to function every year without worrying about decreased funds. As a parent I worry about what programs are going to be cut and which teachers may not have a job next year. Funding is not something the school board has control over, but the wise spending of our resources is. I would like to help ensure that our children are getting the most benefit from the money there is to work with.

Is there anything else you would like to add?

It has been a passion of mine to work with families. None of us are the perfect parents and it is helpful to connect with others that have walked the same roads you have. I spent about nine years working with MOPS International (Mothers of Preschoolers). I've volunteered with the group in El Dorado Springs, started the Nevada chapter, and encouraged and equipped leaders throughout Missouri and Kansas. That season of my life is ending with my youngest in school. Joining the school board seems like a natural next step and another way to use my abilities in working with families and serving our community. The previous school board has done an excellent job in serving our community. I would like a chance to help continue that example. Thank you for your consideration.

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