Bronaugh resident considers donation to school

Saturday, November 2, 2013

Nevada Daily Mail

Lue Steele, of Bronaugh, is working on the details of a $10,000 donation to the Bronaugh school district. Steele brought up the possible donation at the Bronaugh Board of Education meeting in October.

Steele's donation would be to the science department to purchase science lab equipment and materials. The donation's status will be decided at the next board meeting in November.

At the October board meeting, the board members voted 7-0 to enter into an agreement with Southwest Center for Educational Services. The center provides networking opportunities, shares strategies for improving education and avoids unnecessary duplication of services, according to the company's website. The center will host three events, an administrator summit, a technology summit and a celebration of schools.

The administrator summit provides training focused on leadership, legal issues and other topics pertinent to district leaders. The technology summit provides training focused on a collection of topics from planning infrastructure to selecting devices and use of technology in the classroom. The celebration of schools is an award ceremony for recognizing innovative school programs, school supporters, school board members and area legislators.

In other business, the board voted 7-0 to renew the football co-op agreement with Liberal for the third year. Superintendent Lyle Best told the board in his report he is looking into gym bleacher repair, replacement lights at the baseball field and a new phone system. Discussion of repair of the school's roof was tabled.

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