Schell City Community Betterment searches for singers, night watchmen

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Nevada Daily Mail

The search is on for someone to sing the National Anthem and two people to act as night watchmen at the Schell City Fall Festival.

In continuing to prepare for the festival, Schell City Community Betterment discussed the open positions at its meeting Monday.

Jeanne Hoagland also said she is still working to iron out the musical acts and overall schedule.

"I'm still tweaking the events," she said. "We still need items for the silent auction. People can donate anything."

Dottie Haddix recommended booth operators bring heavy duty extension cords since this year there will be less outlets but more power. She also said she would like to resign next year. The group promptly denied her request.

Doug Vantellman added the parade would be judged at the pagoda.

In other business, the group agreed to wait on purchasing shirts for festival volunteers until the anniversary in 2016.

In the treasurer's report, the beginning balance was $9,482 and expenses were $1,718.

The Schell City Fall Festival is set for Sept. 5 and 6.

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