House and Senate Hold Veto Session
District 126
JEFFERSON CITY, MO -- Coming into the annual Veto Session, Sept. 14, the Missouri General Assembly had a total of 20 vetoed bills to consider for potential overrides. The legislature meets each year in September in accordance with the Missouri Constitution to consider bills approved by the legislature but vetoed by the governor. It is during the Veto Session that members of the House and Senate can come together to put legislation into effect as law despite the governor's objections. The House and Senate each obtained the votes necessary to enact 13 vetoed bills into law. The total includes seven House Bills and six Senate Bills.
House and Senate override Voter ID veto (HB 1631) The Missouri House began the day by overriding the governor's veto of a bill that would require Missourians to show a photo ID in order to vote. The Senate then completed the override motion later in the day. The bill would implement a system of voter identification in the state if Missouri voters approve a constitutional change that is on the November ballot.
If the constitutional change is approved by voters, Missouri will then implement a system of voter identification. The bill that now becomes law would require voters to present a specified form of identification in order to vote in a public election. Valid forms of identification would include photo IDs issued by the state, the federal government or the military. The bill also would require the state to pay for individuals to obtain a valid ID if they do not have one, or to obtain documents necessary for an ID. Additionally, the final version of the HB 1631 contains a provision that would allow a voter without a valid photo ID to vote with a regular ballot by showing another form of identification.
Supporters of the change say it is vital to efforts to protect the integrity of the election process. They say it is a simple matter of voters proving they are who they say they are before casting a vote so that voter fraud can be prevented. Three important points to remember: This will be voted on in the November general election. Although the ID process will be tightened, citizens will still be able to vote with a regular ballot by showing alternate ID. Also, an initial picture ID will be provided at no cost for those who need one.
Because of the length of information, I will discuss more veto override bills in future articles. Please contact me for assistance on state issues, flags, resolutions, and visits to the Capitol or around the District at or call 573-751-5388.