Hume R-8 School Board discusses MAP/EOC scores

Thursday, December 19, 2019

The Hume R-8 School Board recently met in regular session at 7:30 p.m., Dec. 11, in the teacher workroom. Those present included Bryice Cannon, Brad Steuck, Steve Yarick, Greg Fillpot, Mark Byrd, Josh Rogers, Colby Sisson, Scott Morrison, and Melody Wikoff. Verne Wepener was absent. Board President Josh Rogers called the meeting to order.

Principal's Report

In his principal's report, Sisson stated that high school basketball is in full swing with all the kids and coaches working hard. The eighth grade science fair was held on Dec. 8, with Andrew Wepener winning first place. Sisson stated that Mrs. Sutcliffe, “does a great job getting our kids ready for these competitions, and our kids work hard for her.”

He commented that most of the teachers have been doing a good job of keeping students motivated and busy during this easily distracting time. Throughout this

month, many teachers have been connecting lessons to the holiday whether it be making gingerbread houses, or reading “A Christmas Carol.”

Sisson reported that he and Mr. Morrison have been busy preparing for the spring Professional Development day that the district is hosting. He also commented that despite being plagued with injuries and sickness for the past few weeks, “our attendance has been doing OK, with high school at 90 percent and elementary at 94 percent.”

Superintendent’s Report

• DERA Grant — Morrison reported that the district did not receive the grant to purchase a new school bus.

• MAP/EOC Scores — 162 total tests, 35 advanced, 51 proficient, 52 basic, 24 below basic. According to Morrison, “The scores are right on track with last year’s scores and we were right on par with last year with fewer students enrolled.”

• APR (Annual Performance Report) — Last year the district received 93.1 percent and the score will remain unchanged this year.

• MUSIC — Morrison reported that the district received an 8 percent credit on general policy, but a 5.8 percent increase on the umbrella policy for Jan. 1, 2020 through Dec. 31, 2020.

• Calendar — Morrison informed the board that he had started the calendar for 2020-2021, wanting it to be similar to Nevada school district for the Vo-Tech program students.

• DESE FS Audit — Morrison commented that the district was ready for the upcoming Food Service Audit.

• OPAA — Morrison stated that with the minimum wage increase, OPAA is wanting the district to amend its contract with them for an additional $525.48 to cover pay increase. Morrison is looking further into the matter.

• RFP — Morrison reported that he has sent a Request for Proposal for Food Service for 2020-2021 to DESE for approval and that contract will be awarded in February. He also reported on state legislative information stating that future funding for public schools was not looking good. Further discussion took place.

Morrison reminded the board of election sign-ups, beginning Dec. 17. He concluded his report by inviting the board members to the annual Christmas party, which was held at 7 p.m., Dec. 14, at the home of David and Diana Morrison.

Yarick then moved, with Byrd seconding, to amend the agenda for additional bills. This was met with unanimous approval. Fillpot then moved, with Steuck seconding, to consent amended agenda, approve November minutes, pay December bills, and District Wide Evaluation of District Guidance Report and District Wide At-Risk Report. This was met with unanimous approval, except for Byrd abstaining from check number 40269.

In new business

• Fillpot moved, with Byrd seconding, to go into Executive Session (Section 610.021 subsection 3, 13) to discuss personnel matters at 7:50 p.m. Rogers, Byrd, Fillpot, Cannon, Steuck, and Yarick were all in favor.

• Fillpot moved, with Byrd seconding, to come out of Executive Session (Section 610.021 subsection 3, 13) at 8:07 p.m. Rogers, Byrd, Fillpot, Cannon, Steuck, and Yarick were all in favor.

• Steuck moved, with Fillpot seconding, to approve track program beginning Spring 2020. This was met with uanimous approval.

• Steuck moved, with Fillpot seconding, to approve Jackson Duncan as Track Coach. This was met with unanimous approval.

• Steuck moved, with Byrd seconding, to approve Matt Weir as Baseball Coach. This was met with unanimous approval.

• Steuck moved, with Cannon seconding, to approve March Board of Education meeting to be March 16, 2020. This was met with uanimous approval.

• Yarick moved, with Cannon seconding, to adjourn meeting. This was met with unanimous approval.

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