Beshore provides update on key R-5 district dates

Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Nevada R-5 Superintendent Tyson Beshore has provided an update on the district's plans moving forward, in relation to key dates such as graduation and prom.

An email distributed to parents, faculty and staff late last week stating that prom will be held on Friday, June 26 — and graduation on Saturday, July 18.

The email noted health guidelines will factor into the decision, and that large gathering will need to be permitted in order to move forward with the events. If large gathering are not permitted, alternate plans will be made for those dates, according to the email.

"As far as what it will look like, will depend on what guidelines we're under at that time," Beshore told the Daily Mail on Tuesday. 'We'll release  more information as we get closer to those two dates."

Beshore said he's pleased that things are progressing in the right direction, as far as hammering down dates for the events.

"I'm excited for our kids and their families, that they have a date now — to know, instead of the unknown factor that we've had," he said. "I'm pleased with that, I'm just hoping it works out. And with the guidelines and all the safety, that we're able to have it with everybody present."

Another major district event held on an annual basis, is the Senior Recognition Night ceremony, in which scholarships and other prestigious awards are presented. This was originally slated to be held the evening of May 15.

Beshore said the decision has been made to hold a virtual ceremony. May 22 is the current target-date to release the video of the virtual event.

"It would have everybody on it, as far as the speakers for who gets what awards," Beshore explained. "Then, we would put it together in a video format — and then post it on Youtube Live, or something like that. We would have that person videotape themselves announcing the recipients of the scholarships. So that way the kids are able to watch it with their parents and family."

Added Beshore: "So it's going to look different. We're hoping it's a one-year hiatus from what we usually do. But, it's an opportunity for our kids and their families to be able to watch it. And of course, having the restrictions we're under now, we couldn't have everybody there anyway. Now, more families from across the United States can watch it, instead of just the ones who would have been able travel here."

Beshore also discussed the district's free grab-and-go meal program.

"Right now it's going through the end of our regular school year," he said, of the May 15 date. "We are looking at our options, as far as if it will continue into the summer."

Beshore said the district is also reviewing its options for summer school classes, but has not come to a final decision.

"We're not ready to release anything yet. We've received some guidance from DESE, and will be looking over that this week — of what we can actually have," Beshore said, referencing the Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education."

Beshore said the district will remain in close contact with the local health department as those target-dates approach.

"We're anxious to be able to release more information," he said. "We won't have that information until we get closer to that time, to see where we're at as a community and a nation."

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