Walker Board of Aldermen hears report concerning water issues

Wednesday, December 28, 2022
The Walker Board of Aldermen heard a report from Engineer Neil Brady, of Bartlett and West, concerning the city's water issues.
Photo by Lisa Hinkle | Daily Mail

Mayor Harold Walter called the Walker Board of Aldermen meeting to order Monday evening, Dec. 26. The board approved of the agenda, minutes from last month’s meeting, treasurer's report, bank reconciliation, and payment of the bills.

The board turned the meeting over to guest speaker Engineer Neil Brady of Bartlett and West. He reported to the board that they have received a grant from Department of Natural Resources (DNR) out of the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funds to be able to fix the water issues that the city has. However, they did not receive any funding for their wastewater issues. He advised the board that the lagoon does not meet the criteria needed in order for them to receive the funding for the sewer.

Brady instructed the board that Jan. 13, is the deadline for DNR to be giving direction on what their next course of action will be. He suggested the board fill out any and all applications that they can so they can receive the funding that is required for the sewer side by March. He further advised the board that they will need to put the bond issue on the ballot for April’s election. The board was satisfied and approved of the report Brady gave them.

The board resumed with the regular meeting and they approved of Victor Ellison assuming the role as the city’s meter reader, starting Jan. 1. The board approved to pay the annual $360 to be a member of the Missouri Rural Water Association (MRWA). The board discussed that the city doesn’t have an emergency plan in the case of an emergency. The board approved that they will take the necessary steps to be in compliance.

City Clerk Susan Thompson asked the board for the approval to waive the rental fee on the Community Building to Brandi Pritchett, considering it was used for a cancer benefit for someone who is fighting cancer in the community. The board approved to waive the rental fee.

Treasurer Kathy Newman asked the board for the approval to buy several books of stamps at the post office before the price of a book of stamps goes up on Jan. 23. The board approved buying the stamps.

Board Alderman Clint Swopes reported that this month’s Ozark Food Harvest Drive went well, considering how cold the weather was. And he advised the board that the water hydrant at the fire station needs to be fixed. The board approved of his report.

The board approved to adjourn the meeting, with next month’s meeting scheduled for Jan. 23

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