Bronaugh Aldermen approve bid for city services and discuss Fall Festival preparations in latest meeting

Wednesday, September 13, 2023
Bronaugh Mayor Lauren Meier presided over Monday evening's Board of Aldermen meeting.
Photo by Lisa Hinkle | Daily Mail

Mayor Lauren Meier convened the Bronaugh Board of Aldermen meeting on Monday evening. City Clerk Rauni Brown's absence resulted in the unavailability of last month's meeting minutes for reading and approval.

During the session, Water and Sewer Operator Derek Brown presented the board with the sole bid for mowing/brush hogging, tree trimming, and cleanup services, submitted by Matt Layher for $375. Brown assured the aldermen that the work would be completed by year-end, and the board promptly accepted and approved his bid.

In addition, Brown informed the council about his setup of an account with USA Blue Book, which will facilitate the ordering of necessary items such as tubes, blue paint, markers, flags, and other supplies going forward. He also reported that Joe Anstine from the Missouri Rural Association (MRA) had successfully cleaned out the clear well at the lagoon, a report that received unanimous approval from the aldermen.

Volunteer Fire Fighter Shane Clinton was present at the meeting to discuss the inadequate conditions of the building where they hold their monthly meetings. He sought the council's assistance in finding a more suitable location. The aldermen were supportive of using the new Community Building but advised Clinton to seek approval from the Community Building Committee. Clinton expressed satisfaction with this solution and thanked the aldermen for their consideration.

Treasurer Ann Loudermilk then reported that there was $14,200 remaining from the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funds. She proposed a reduction in city resident Frank Agee's sewer bill due to his consistent payment of water bills and taxes to the city, a proposal that received unanimous approval.

Loudermilk also requested the council's approval to increase the Sewer Operating Expenses budget for 2023 from $5,000 to $8,000. This adjustment was deemed necessary to cover the additional expenses incurred in mowing and cleaning up the city, and it too was approved by the aldermen.

Mayor Meier raised concerns about the condition of city properties in preparation for the upcoming Bronaugh Fall Festival on September 30. She reported sending a letter to city resident Sonya Hill over ten days ago, urging her to mow her yard, but no action had been taken. The aldermen approved the proposal to have Matt Layher mow the property and bill Hill for his services.

Mayor Meier also provided updates on the construction of the new bandstand and announced that Cody Worsley had adjusted his bill for the sidewalk project from $18,000 to $20,400 due to necessary adjustments for the sidewalk and street alignment. Loudermilk recommended cashing out two to three of the city's CDs to cover the additional expenses, which the aldermen approved.

In further efforts to prepare the city for the Fall Festival, Mayor Meier proposed involving the FFA Chapter at the school and the Community Betterment Committee for park cleanup. She also requested approval to bring in a dumpster during the weekend of Sept. 23-24 for residents to dispose of larger trash items. The aldermen agreed, with the condition of increasing the Clean Up Expenses budget for 2023 to accommodate the cost of the dumpster.

The meeting was adjourned, with the next session scheduled for Oct. 9.

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