Young Blood 8/26

Tuesday, August 26, 2003

Goodbye's a topic I think I have probably shared with you more than a handful of times through the two and a half years of writing my column. I have a horrible times saying goodbye but each day and each new circumstance teaches me how to fully accept this concept. For the past two and a half years I have shared with you every aspect of my life. From high school senior issues, to graduation anxiety, to starting my first day of college, and going through a hard time with new roommates. I have told you about all of my dances, friendships, and new experiences. You've walked with me through every major event in my life and seen all that I have seen through my columns each week. That is why it saddens me to say that I will no longer be writing my regular column for the newspaper anymore. As I've said before in one of my most recent columns the economy is dry. We are closer to a depression than we have been since the Great Depression in the early 1900's.

Times are rough and unfortunately decisions have to be made.

I am so thrilled that I have had these two years to share with you my life and my writing. This column has given me the chance to open up and grow more than I could even imagine. The Nevada community has been so wonderful to me since I've started writing. You all have been so encouraging and I wanted to say thank you for always reading my columns.

I've also heard that when one door closes another door opens. Life has surely proven this to me and has not failed me yet. Though I will no longer be writing a weekly column for the Nevada Daily Mail I will however be writing for the Cottey College newspaper. And no one said that goodbyes are forever. I will be back around the holiday's to share with you a few special columns.

Again, thank you for being such avid readers of my column. I am truly blessed to live in such an amazing community.

Editor's note: This is Joanna Bradley's last regular weekly column for the Nevada Daily Mail, but we hope we'll continue hearing from her from time to time. We've already invited her back for the holidays!

Best wishes, Joanna!