Letter to the Editor

Letters to the editor

Friday, April 29, 2005

SMSU name change

Dear editor:

I enjoyed Kelly Bradham's recent article containing some of Kelly's thoughts on the Southwest Missouri State University (SMSU) name change to Missouri State University (MSU).

There was, and evidently, still is much confusion and misinformation about that bill (SB98). I hope the following facts, taken directly from SB98, will help eliminate some of that confusion.

While the SMSU name change dominated the majority of the House of Representatives floor debate and received most of the press reporting, SB98 changed the names of five state-supported schools. Those schools are SMSU, Harris-Stowe State College, Missouri Western State College, Missouri Southern State University, and Central Missouri State University.

Even though I am an MU-Columbia Alumnus, my primary concern about SB98 was not a "…be true to your school" or "our football team is better than yours…" concern.

My primary concern was what would the SMSU name change cost Missouri taxpayers. Like Kelly, I knew there had to be costs associated with the name change such as letterhead, advertising copy, recruiting pamphlets, signs, etc.

To get that cost, I called the SMSU president, Dr, Keiser ,and asked him what was his best cost estimate for the name change. His answer was $200,000! However, that expense was guaranteed covered by private donors. Just to cover all bases, I asked Dr. Keiser what if the expense exceeded $200,000 -- same answer. So the cost to Missouri taxpayers is not millions, it's zero.

In an agreement between the MU-Columbia and SMSU Presidents, SMSU made five "non-compete" concessions.

I hope the foregoing will help end some of the rumors and misinformation concerning SB98.

-- State Rep. Barney Fisher