
The Way it Was

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

100 years ago

A pioneer preacher passes away

The news was received in this city today of the death of a pioneer Methodist minister, the Rev. H.N. Watts, for many years a resident of Nevada, and whose death occurred in Texas. The following facts concerning Watts was furnished to the Mail today by the Rev. Jos King, an old friend of the deceased.

Rev. H.N. Watts was born in Johnson County, Mo., Nov. 8, 1818, and died in Mineola, Texas, Oct. 11, 1906, in the 88th year of his age. He was converted in early manhood and entered the ministry of the Methodist church, and for more then 60 years was a faithful and tearless preacher of the gospel.

50 years ago

Dillinger's car will be on display here

The personal car of John Dillinger, gangland kingpin of the prohibition era, will be on display on the south side of the Square here tomorrow and Saturday under the sponsorship of the Leon Ogier Post of the American Legion.

Dillinger's 16 cylinder 1931 Cadillac was considered the most formidable machine for crime in its day. The car weighs 9,144 pounds, more than twice the weight of ordinary cars and was equipped with several anti-pursuit mechanisms.

Dillinger and his mobsters reportedly used the car in a total of 39 holdups and 13 murders. The vehicle was finally abandoned near East St. Louis when it ran out of gas during a chase by police.

Dillinger eventually was slain by the FBI July 19, 1934, outside Chicago on a trip from the gangster's ex-girlfriend later to become known as "The Lady in Red."