
The Way it Was

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

100 years ago

Severe criticism of state asylums

JEFFERSON CITY, -- The Missouri conference of charities and corrections is in session here. It will continue for three days. Members of the body were entertained tonight by Governor and Mrs. Folk.

Among the people attending the conference are A.W. Butler, president of the National Conference of Charities and Corrections; Colonel W.J. McClanghry, warden of the United States penitentiary at Leavenworth; among many others.

Miss Mary Perry, president of the Missouri board of charities, presided over the meeting tonight and an address was delivered by Governor Folk.

50 years ago

Arrest three in theft of Nevada youth's car

An automobile belonging to Gary Ogle, son of Mr. and Mrs. Lester Ogle of Nevada, which was stolen Monday from a garage in Pittsburg, Kan., has been recovered and three Pittsburgers were being held in Claremore, Okla., yesterday.

The car's ignition and the doors were locked, Ogle told Pittsburg police where he is attending Kansas State Teachers College. He is a sophomore at the college.

The three involved in the theft are George Raymond Short, 19, William George Lawrence and Johnny Alvin Phillips, both 22. All three are reformatory parolees, police records show. The three had abandoned the car after it had run out of gasoline at Claremore, Okla.