Letter to the Editor

Early birds not a welcome presence at garage sale

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Dear editor:

This is for the ladies in a van who came to the not-yet-opened yard sale early Friday evening. According to the paid advertisements on the radio and in newspapers, the sale was to start on Saturday.

I was not at home -- getting ready for this sale. Several tables were sitting out with stuff on them. Some items were on the table, some were still in boxes not yet unpacked. They were covered with plastic because it was not ready yet for anyone to look at, let alone, take. Gone are cooking utensils, a crock pot, an electric knife, silverware -- plus items I have not listed.

Who do you think you are? There was someone here, but in no condition to deal with the likes of you. I hope you are very proud of yourselves for taking whatever you so wished to and paying with whatever you so wished to, which was nothing as far as I am concerned.

I hope you enjoy what you took, for you certainly got it cheap enough.

Jane Meierhoff
