Vehicle crashes into local business

Thursday, April 10, 2008
No injuries were reported after Tina Wisecup drove her blue 1994 Oldsmobile Royal into the Nevada Dollar General Store located on North Osage Blvd. Nevada Police responded to the incident at 12:32 p.m. Wednesday and said Wisecup reported hitting her brakes while parking in front of the store but her attempts to stop the vehicle failed. Beyond the apparent damage done to the building, city of Nevada Building Inspector Richard Brockman closed the store indefinitely after discovering that the accident actually shifted the front load-bearing wall off of the building's foundation. Brockman and other officials inspected the building and pointed out that a portion of the roof which extends past the damaged front wall and holds the Dollar General sign appeared to be bowing downward. Concerned with the wall's ability to continue holding the roof's weight, Brockman and police said they would return to the scene to inspect for further damages throughout the day. Brockman said, "the structural integrity is gone." Police said investigation into the incident will be ongoing.

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