The Old Barn comes to town for Christmas

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Nine McGennis Old Barn stars will share a little holiday spirit this Saturday, Dec. 19, in a bold move to downtown Rich Hill.

Usually, summer's warmth and stars overhead supply the backdrop for some lunacy, but this year, the Rising Sun Opera (the old Booth Theater) will keep the weather at bay for a one-time-only event. At 6:45 p.m., the playgoers will be treated to a sampling of Kay Wetter's finest including appetizers, mini main entrees, and seasonal sweets. A little after 7 p.m., the belly laughs begin with the presentation of "Happy Hollandaise," a short seasonal comedy by Tim Koenig. The evening will conclude by 8:30, with the singing of a few carols. Attendees usher in Christmas, and no lawn chairs will be needed.

The tickets cost $5 (for food and the play) and are available at Food Fair and Security Bank. Advance tickets are preferred. To reserve tickets at the box office, call Rhonda at (660) 643-7596.

Set in England during the holidays, the Old Barn favorite, Sharon Tourtillott, opens the play as she anxiously prepares for her holiday dinner. She has hired a world famous chef, Vilma Hassenpfeffer (Eugenia Brocka), to prepare Eggs Benedict with her special Hassenpfeffer hollandaise sauce. Sharon (Claire) has also invited the new vicar and his wife (Thad Glynn and Jennifer Wheatley). With all the seasonal excitement, Sharon has accidentally hit her poor old Dad (Bob Schlyer) over the head with a frying pan, causing him to believe he's several characters from the play of the past. Sharon has then called upon her younger brother (Doug Abend) for help in keeping dear old Dad under wraps so her dinner party will be successful.

Into this hectic scene of Dad believing he's Hamlet and Vilma being quite demanding comes two thieves who have staked out the wrong house. The Lone Wolf Burglar, Rick Jangles, is being helped by a new apprentice thief from America, Shelby Moreland. Unfortunately, Rick has passed his prime as a burglar and actually becomes the butler for a while. In the mean time, Inspector Alice Abernathy (Ellen Bell) is hot on his trail. The cops have the neighborhood covered.

Problems multiply as Vilma and Dad get hit again and again with a frying pan.

The vicar's wife is extremely pregnant and goes into labor.

And the crooks can't get out of the house safely, and all ends well with a timely reminder of the true reason for the season.

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