NPD to host Citizens Police Academy

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

The Nevada Police Department is offering citizens of Nevada an opportunity to get a behind-the-scenes look at police work through its upcoming Nevada Citizens Police Academy. The program combines presentations and interactive components to allow the citizens to view community policing from the perspective of those who work in law enforcement. The seven-week program will be conducted every Wednesday, 7-9 p.m., April 13 through May 25, at no cost. Most classes will be held at the Public Safety Building in the City Council Chambers.

The program will include:

* Introduction to the academy and police command staff.

* 911 communications and emergency dispatching.

* Criminal law and court procedures.

* Criminal investigation.

* Traffic enforcement and police patrol procedures.

* Police weapon display and interactive training.

Interested persons must complete a citizens police academy application and be accepted into the academy. Participants must be at least 18 years of age and must have no felony convictions nor arrests for domestic assault, drug, or violent crime. Participants also must be able to perform light physical activities.

Dress will be casual unless otherwise indicated by the instructor the Wednesday before.All materials needed will be provided by the Nevada Police Department.

To register or for information, contact Sgt. Steve Bastow by phone at (417) 448-2710 or by e-mail at sbastow@nevadamo,org

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