Daily Mail to publish four days

Thursday, February 27, 2014

Nevada Daily Mail

The Nevada Daily Mail will reduce its publication frequency to four times a week, beginning with the first week of March.

We will no longer print and deliver a Thursday edition.

Just as individual customers of the postal service have seen the cost of postage to mail their letters and packages increase, so too have we seen the impact of the cost hike on the daily mailing of our newspaper.

Coupled with other increases that every business deals with, such as utilities and materials, as well as the impact of the continued downturn in several sectors of our economy, we had to make a choice.

Like all businesses, we weigh whether to pass along these increased costs to our customers through price increases or find a way to reduce costs, or some combination of those.

After much deliberation and analysis, we felt like this decision was the course to take.

While we are eliminating our Thursday edition, we want to reassure our readers that they won't lose a day during this year of transition.

Those who are current subscribers will have their subscription extended by the number of days they will miss during the remainder of their subscription.

Eliminating a day of delivery isn't something we want to do, especially given that our paper has, for the past year, enjoyed steady circulation growth.

And that's really why we made this choice, rather than other actions that would affect the quality of our product.

This will allow us to effectively continue to meet the needs of our citizens through our news and advertising.

We will work with our advertisers to provide the same message in the same effective way of getting the word out about their products, services and image.

While there will be four issues of the Daily Mail starting the first week of March, spanning Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday, we expect to maintain our goal of having something on everything of note that's going on in our area.

We won't take a day off from covering our communities. The package of news, advertising and information will be spread out over four issues, rather than five a week.

We remain committed to covering the news and events of Nevada and Vernon County, through all of our different operations, in our printed editions, our magazines, our website, our mobile platform, and on Facebook and Twitter.

Further, just as we did with five issues, if there is something that is going on that you don't see in our publications, let us know.

We want news of your church, your civic club, your community organization, your fundraiser, your meeting, your sports teams and your events.

If people are talking about it, taking part in it, or watching it, we want to know about it.

So please be sure to continue to send us your news and information. We appreciate our communities and we are here to serve you.

We have fulfilled that obligation for 131 years and we will continue to do so.

Thanks for your understanding.

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