Hume R-8 hears administrative reports

Tuesday, October 16, 2018

The Hume R-8 School Board met in regular session on Oct. 10. Renda Armstrong, DSWA CPA, presented the audit to the board, stating it was a good year financially for the district with a positive $12,000 change in fund balance and a $197,000 increase in total assets. Armstrong reported that overall, it was a good, clean audit opinion with no significant findings.

Administrative Assistant Colby Sisson reported attendance at 97.91 percent for elementary students and 97.3 percent for high school students. He also told the board that teachers are providing 45 minutes of “drop everything and read” time for their classes with the goal of improving reading skills for all students with the Everybody Read program.

As the district’s homeless liaison, Sisson has met with all teachers to inform them that he needs to be contacted if they have concerns about a student so he can deal with the situation.

Sisson and Business Technology Teacher Jackie Duncan attended computer training from Craw-Kan Telephone Cooperative in order to learn more about the new system in place for the district. He said the Craw-Kan Representative has been very helpful and willing to assist with any issues the district might have.

District Superintendent Scott Morrison reported that it will be December before test scores are received. He told the board that Missouri Department Elementary and Secondary Education had reported last year’s science classes would not be counted this year. Since the district’s science classes typically score high, the Annual Performance Report score is expected to experience a decrease. He said that DESE and legislators are trying to determine cutoff scores for the four levels of advance, proficient, basic and below basic.

Morrison told the board the district has applied for a grant to construct a 28×50 building to add two classrooms for fine arts. He commended Melody Wikoff’s work with the grants. He has received a bid of $1,500 to replace and improve the cables and pulleys in the gym, as it has been over 27 years since they were installed. He would like to get one more bid before proceeding, but the consensus of the board was for the project to proceed. Morrison plans for the project to be completed before Homecoming.

In new business, the 2017-2018 audit and food service reports were approved. And meeting adjourned.

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