Overpass updates completed with re-opening slated for this week

Tuesday, April 5, 2022
An aerial drone photo shows the overpass in its completed state this past weekend.
Photo courtesy of Nevada JROTC Drone Operations Class | Special to the Daily Mail

Having closed to traffic on Sept. 7, 2021, the updates to the overpass over the Missouri and Northern Arkansas Railroad (also known as the U.S. Route 54 bridge) have been completed.

Finishing ahead of schedule, the bridge was set to be completed by late-April or early May. It was recently announced that the overpass would open, tentatively on April 1 if there were no delays. However, Nevada City Manager Mark Mitchell noted last week that there were delays and it would open no later than April 8.

The deck replacement of the overpass was a MoDOT project and was included in Governor Mike Parson's $351 million "Focus on Bridges program," which will repair or replace 250 bridges across the state.

Contractor crews removed the bridge/deck driving surface and replaced it with a new surface. They also installed new barrier walls, sidewalks, lighting, fences and guardrails at the end of the bridge.

The structure was orginially built in 1963 and had been experiencing increasing deterioration prior to the deck replacement project. Approximately 15,640 vehicles cross the bridge daily.

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