Hume R-8 receives grant to purchase playground equipment

Saturday, January 21, 2023

The Hume R-8 Board of Education met in regular session Wednesday evening, Jan. 18, in the teacher workroom. Board President Josh Rogers called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.

Board member Steve Yarick motioned, with Mark Byrd seconding, to amend the agenda for additional bills.

Principal Kirk Hart noted the following in his Principal's Report:

• On Jan. 3, the teachers had a Professional Development Day that focused on the district's math and ELA scores from last school year in the MAP and EOC tests. Shea Thomas and Susan Kohl presented information regarding the schools. They gave some methods of ways to address some of the district's needs that were discussed by the presenters and the teachers. Hart noted that it was a very interesting and worthwhile day.

• Hart stated that he is working on the fifth round of teacher observations. “Most of the illness that we experienced prior to Christmas appeared to be receding, but seems to be starting again,” noted Hart. “Our attendance from December 2022 until January 2023 is nearly the same. PreK through sixth grade is down .01 percent from December to January, and grades seven through 12 is up .15 percent from December to January.

Superintendent Scott Morrison noted the following in his Superintendent's Report:

• There will be no Board of Education election. Greg Fillpot, Brad Steuck, and Franklin Dirks filed for the board uncontested.

• The homecoming game is scheduled for Feb. 3, with Montrose.

• Bid for gym refurbishment has been put out. March 6 is the deadline for bids.

• Funds for a school vehicle, such as a Chevy Traverse or van, are being pursued to help transport small groups of students to educational activities and/or teachers to professional development outside of the district.

• SB8 was discussed and would eliminate personal property tax. Annual growth in real property would be required to result in a corresponding reduction in revenue from personal property.

• The budget will be amended in February.

• The district received a $5,000 grant from the local Butler Walmart to help with purchasing new playground equipment for the elementary students. “The Hume School District is very grateful for this funding,” noted Morrison. The PTO has been raising money for the last few years and have recently set up a GoFundMe account to help raise money so it can hopefully be completed this year.

• Morrison noted that all compliance issues with the district's special education department have been dealt with successfully.

Byrd motioned, with Bryice Cannon seconding, to consent amended agenda (approve December minutes; pay January bills; and district-wide evaluation report of district-wide transportation evaluation). This received unanimous approval, with Byrd abstaining from check No. 42842.

In new business, the board considered the following items:

• Yarick motioned, with Byrd seconding, to approve bus mileage. This received unanimous approval.

• Yarick motioned, with Cannon seconding, to approve Umbrella Insurance coverage. This received unanimous approval.

• Cannon motioned, with Byrd seconding, to approve cheer coach resignation from Ashlee Jennings. This received unanimous approval.

• Byrd motioned, with Cannon seconding, to approve high school cheer coach Jaleana Wehar. This received unanimous approval.

• CSIP update on pillars, goals, and objectives were reviewed by the board. The next CSIP meeting is scheduled for Feb. 13, from 8 to 9:30 a.m.

• Yarick motioned, with Cannon seconding, to go into executive session to discuss staff/employee and student matters at 7:50 p.m. Greg Fillpot, Rogers, Byrd, Cannon, and Yarick were all in favor.

• Yarick motioned, with Fillpot seconding, to come out of executive session at 8:21 p.m. All were in favor.

• Cannon motioned, with Byrd seconding, to offer assistant principal/counselor contract to Becky Bryant at a salary of $53,000 for the 2023-2024 contract year. This received unanimous approval.

• Fillpot motioned, with Byrd seconding, to offer contract extension to Scott Morrison with a salary of $80,000 for the 2023-2024 contract year; $81,000 for the following 2024-2025 contract year; and $82,000 for the 2025-2026 extension contract year. This received unanimous approval.

Yarick motioned, with Cannon seconding, to adjourn the meeting. This received unanimous approval.

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