Annual fundraising mouse race event to be held this evening

Friday, March 3, 2023

The Children's Center Annual Mouse Race Fundraiser will be held this evening at 6 p.m., at the Nevada Elks Lodge. The event will have a "Yellowstone" theme and include mouse races, auction, and a barbecue dinner.

Money raised from the fundraiser goes to support facility maintenance and follow-up services. The Children's Center is a not-for-profit child advocacy center that works in partnership with Children's Division and local law enforcement providing a safe, child-friendly setting for the investigation of child abuse. The center serves children in Vernon, Bates, Cedar, and Dade counties.

The center served 1,095 children in 2022. The services they provide includes the following:

• Forensic interviews: Children are interviewed about reports of abuse and neglect by staff in a child-friendly setting. Forensic interviews help minimize the number of times a child is questioned about abuse and may be used as forensic evidence in court.

• Medical evaluations: When appropriate, the center provides a comprehensive, non-invasive exam, performed by a specially trained nurse practitioner with child abuse expertise.

• Advocacy: Child Advocates at the center provide emotional support to the child victim and the non-offending caregivers. Advocates offer help and referrals throughout the investigation.

• MDT approach: The center serves in a coordinating capacity to ensure that all team agencies are working to provide the best services for children. Partners include law enforcement, juvenile office, prosecuting attorney's office, Children's Division, and mental health providers.

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