Smith and Baldwin re-elected and sworn in to serve on Vernon County Ambulance District Board of Directors

Friday, April 21, 2023
Coeta Smith and Jeanne Baldwin were sworn in to their seats on the Vernon County Ambulance Board of Directors by Board Secretary Valerie Hardy during Thursday evening's monthly meeting.
Photo by Sarah Haney | Daily Mail Editor

The Vernon County Ambulance District (VCAD) Board of Directors met in regular session early Thursday evening for their monthly meeting.

At the top of the meeting, a donation of water rescue equipment from VCAD was presented to Vernon County Rescue. The VCAD Board had received a letter at the March meeting from Emergency Management Director Derik White on behalf of the Swift water rescue team of Vernon County requesting VCAD to donate their old water rescue gear to them. The VCAD board had approved the donation, with the condition that the rescue team sign a waiver of liability due to the age of the equipment being requested. The motion was passed at that time by unanimous vote, resulting in the donation presentation on Thursday evening.

Next item on the agenda was the swearing in of both Coeta Smith and Jeanne Baldwin to the VCAD Board — both were re-elected in the April 4 election to serve another term. After being sworn in, it was determined that all members of the board would keep their current positions (Baldwin being Chairperson and Smith Vice-Chair).

The board went on to approve the proposed bills, third quarter write-offs, and a budget amendment. In new business, VCAD Director Leland Splitter recommended to the board that the district not continue their lease with Avaya for their phone system, and instead switch over to Ring Phone for a cost savings. The board unanimously approved of doing so.

The board then discussed Internet providers, to be continued at the May meeting.

In his Director's Report, VCAD Director Leland Splitter noted that, in the month of March, there were 1,571 regular runs. The previous month, there were 1,408 regular runs. There were a total of 100 Nevada Regional Medical Center transports; 16 direct transports; three flights; and 44 transfers. The totals for the year are 1,017 NRMC transports; 133 direct transports; 51 flights; and 370 transfers.

The VCAD Board of Directors meets the third Thursday of the month, at 7 p.m.

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