Nevada City Council to consider several bids Tuesday

Saturday, June 17, 2023

The Nevada City Council is preparing for a crucial meeting scheduled for Tuesday, June 20, The meeting will be held at 7 p.m., in the city council chambers. The meeting is open to the public.

One of the primary agenda items is the consideration of appointments to Boards and Commissions. The council will deliberate on the appointment of Dan Hope to the Planning Commission for a three-year term, which would expire in June 2026.

The council will also focus on several bids that have been submitted for crucial projects aimed at enhancing utility services and improving public spaces in Nevada.

The council will review Resolution No. 1719 for Adams Street utility improvements. This resolution will potentially accept a bid from Elements Construction Concepts, located in Joplin, Mo., for the Adams Street utility improvements. The project involves stormwater, sewer, and water line improvements along Adams Street, stretching from Austin Boulevard to Hunter Street. Bids were received from Elements Construction ($865,510), McInroy Construction ($1,141,136.59), Dirks Heavy Construction ($1,145,007.81), Sprouls Construction ($1,182,160), and Bennet, Inc. ($1,394,112.25).

The council will then consider Resolution No. 1720 concerning the replacement of Radio Springs Park playground equipment replacement. This resolution will potentially accept a bid from Miracle Recreation Equipment Co., based in Monett, Mo., for the replacement parts needed to repair a damaged slide at the Radio Springs 2-5 year old play area.

Next, the council will consider Resolution No. 1721 pertaining to the utility meter-reader interface. Tyler Technologies, located in Plano, Texas, has submitted a bid for a utility Meter-reader Interface. The interface is a crucial component for the upcoming Sensus Advance Metering Infrastructure (AMI) base station installation on the Center Tower, scheduled for June 27, 2023. Once operational, the base station will facilitate communication with remote water meters and transmit water consumption data to the city’s utility software. The interface, costing $15,990 (including a maintenance fee), is necessary to establish seamless communication with Tyler Technologies’ utility billing software. It should be noted that Tyler Technologies is the sole provider of this proprietary software connection. Additionally, an annual recurring maintenance fee of $2,800 will be discussed.

Finally, the council will consider Resolution No. 1722 in bids. These bids are for the installation of a 16” steel casing to accommodate an 8” water main serving the new Weber Elementary School will be evaluated. Gayman Construction has submitted a bid of $26,400, while other bids include Ast Directional Drilling ($34,080), Stark Boring ($50,220), and Ridell Boring ($65,560).

In addition to appointments and bid considerations, the council will address new business items. A public hearing will be held to discuss Special Use Permit applications for short-term rentals at 716 W. Arch and 314 E. Vernon. This hearing will provide an opportunity for concerned community members to express their views and opinions on these applications.

The council will also review Bill No. 2023-041, an emergency ordinance that authorizes an agreement with H.W. Lochner, Inc., based in Kansas City, Mo., for construction services. This emergency ordinance seeks to approve Supplemental Agreement No. 1 for Construction Services with H.W. Lochner, pertaining to the Crosswind runway project at the Nevada Municipal Airport. The agreement is valued at $195,485. The rescheduling of the council meeting from July 4 to July 11 has resulted in the city’s inability to meet the grant provider’s project award deadline. Therefore, the emergency ordinance is necessary to ensure a prompt response to the grant provider. The project is funded through MoDOT and FAA, with the city is responsible for a 5 percent match. The city’s match, estimated at around $135,000 for a $2.7 million project, will be covered by the Statewide Transportation Assistance Revolving (STAR) Fund, which offers low-interest financing and a 10-year repayment period.

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