Nevada Park Board discussed recent and upcoming updates at Monday evening meeting

Tuesday, June 27, 2023
The Nevada Park Board discussed park updates during their Monday evening meeting.
Photo by Sarah Haney | Daily Mail Editor

The Nevada Park Board met in regular session Monday evening at the Franklin P. Norman City/County Community Center.

Board Chair Cyndia Haggard relayed updates from Park Director Richard Brockman, who was unable to be in attendance.

It was noted that parts have been ordered to fix and replace slides at Radio Springs Park's upper playground area.

It was explained that the big slide at Marmaduke Park was removed and the merry-go-round at Spring Street Park will be removed in July. These items were removed due to recommendation from the city's insurance company.

Haggard noted that the skate park will be closed throughout this week as the ramps are being painted. She also noted that the fence around the park may be removed.

Reading Brockman's notes, Haggard stated that he met with Anderson Engineering and the Missouri Department of Conservation about plans to drain Walton Lake. Brockman stated, in his notes, that he is going to ask Anderson Engineering to examine their cost again as he believes they are charging double on some areas of the design from the original quote. It was added that this project is a 50/50 grant match that the city parks department was awarded last year.

In regards to Earp Park updates, the new light that the Lions Club has purchased for the park as come in. In addition, the Lions Club has applied for a grant to pay for new benches and a new picnic table.

In a update report given to the Park Board from the Frank E. Peters Golf Course, it was noted that the golf course is "doing well." The course currently has $47,000 in its operating account and no funding has been requested or needed since April 1, 2023. It was noted that the course will have a new Superintendent (Jeff Adams) who is expected to start on July 10.

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