Nevada R-5 finishes first week of school, works on beginning of year issues

Saturday, August 26, 2023

With community students returning to school this week, the Nevada R-5 School District continues to work out any issues typical of the beginning of a new school year.

One issue on the district's first day of school that the Nevada Daily Mail was made aware of concerned after-school transportation.

The Nevada Daily Mail reached out to Nevada R-5 Superintendent Dr. Tyson Beshore for comment on the matter. "Every school year, we've got to make sure of all the routes or if people have moved," he stated. "If we don't have the correct addresses, or we think we have the correct addresses — so, that's a normal first week of school... just getting all the bus routes lined up that way." He added that the district receives help in this by the parents letting them know and having the bus drivers "making any tweaks we need to that as necessary."

Referring to the system that the district has in place for ensuring students get on correct buses, Dr. Beshore added, "The system is good, but there's always going to be the human error side of it. We will own up and get it fixed on our end."

The elementary schools in the district utilize a bus tag process where students where a tag with their bus symbols displayed on them. Some confusion may occur if a student rides a different bus to school from what they ride in the afternoon, or if they ride different buses on different days. To help alleviate this confusion, parents are encouraged to call their child's school and let them know of any changes to their after-school destination.

The phone number for the district's Central Office is (417) 448-2000. The phone numbers for each of the school's can be found online at

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