Court, law enforcement officials ask commission to consider sales tax
(Local News ~ 01/29/06)
Nevada, Mo. -- Few people attended a public hearing Friday on the Vernon County and the Health Department budgets. Nevertheless, county commissioners explained the process for those who attended and said that they are constrained by law in what they can do...
Fort Scott honors native son (Local News ~ 01/29/06)
Fort Scott, Kan. -- Fort Scott native son and Renaissance man Gordon Parks has been an idol to young photographers, journalists, poets, songwriters and filmmakers of every ethnic origin for many years. His Life Magazine photo stories enlightened readers about the struggles of the poor, as well as the lives of the rich and famous. ... -
Kase joins Bourbon County Sheriff's Office as deputy (Local News ~ 01/29/06)
By Michael Glover Herald-Tribune Fort Scott, Kan. -- Former Arma Assistant Police Chief Mark Kase is the newest member of the Bourbon County Sheriff's Office. Kase became a deputy sheriff on Jan. 17, replacing Paul Gamble, who left to become a police officer with the Iola, Kan. Police Department on Dec. 25... -
Kids Fair connects people with resources in the area
(Local News ~ 01/29/06)
Herald-Tribune Nevada, Mo. -- Every February for seven years now, Vernon county has hosted the Kid's Fair in conjunction with the Women, Infants and Children program at the Vernon County Health Department. This year's event is scheduled for Feb. ...
Crowd of 200 attends customer appreciation open house (Local News ~ 01/29/06)
A crowd of more than 200 people gathered at Hartzler's Equipment Company Friday afternoon, for an annual customer appreciation event. Representatives from several farm implement manufacturers were present to provide information to those attending. The highlight of the event was a presentation by Matt Boatright, deputy director of the Missouri Department of Agriculture, who spoke with colorful anecdotes about the importance of partnerships, urging producers to take advantage of opportunities and resources. ... -
Gauge Ericson Davis (Obituary ~ 01/29/06)
Eric and Kayla Davis, Schell City, and Daytin and Brennin, are proud to announce the birth of their son and brother, Gauge Ericson Davis. Gauge was born at 6:42 p.m., Jan. 20, 2006, at Nevada Regional Medical Center. He weighed 7 pounds, 13 ounces, and measured 21 inches... -
Digging in the neighbor's yard
(Column ~ 01/29/06)
Hi neighbors. I had a great time Monday. My friend Joanne and I went to Bolivar, Missouri to look for some obits to add to my genealogy database. Joanne said she had no one to look up in Bolivar, but would go to keep me company and to visit with my aunt who is in the hospital in Bolivar with pneumonia...
Two Boys … and other topics of interest
(Column ~ 01/29/06)
Household pets tend to defy the laws of logic. Several months ago, for instance, Ginny and I adopted Harry, a homeless, black, rough-haired cat. He was a real gentleman, affectionate, grateful, and easy on the furniture. Shortly thereafter, reflecting on the success of our first adoption, we took in a second male cat, Boots, a smaller fellow, affectionate, smooth-haired, also a true gentleman, who hung around our barn door and hopped onto my lap, purring like a bandit, the moment I opened the truck door. ...
Fetching game
(Column ~ 01/29/06)
My young dog has developed an annoying habit. Earlier this year, he caught a quail on his own, which upped my shooting average, but then he appeared to be so proud of his capture that we spent the next 10 minutes trying to get him to give up his prize. ...
Reminiscences of Pvt. William F. Nichols, Co. A, 11th Ks. Vol. Cav. Regt.
(Column ~ 01/29/06)
Battlefield Dispatches is a column featuring original documents from the era of "Bleeding Kansas" (1854 --1861) and the "Civil War" (1861--1865). --- "Next morning we started to Fort Smith for supplies, but as to how I got there, I never knew as the fever had the best of me; the first I knew, I was in Camp on the north side of the river near Fort Smith laying on a saddle blanket with a cavalry saddle for a pillow and hearing pistol shots and someone to say if "Nix was able to Pull a gun he could hit it." I turned my head and saw they were shooting at a goose's head as it walked by about 40 yards away. ...
Cold shooting deadly for Fort Scott
(High School Sports ~ 01/29/06)
ALTAMONT, Kan. -- Fort Scott High's boys probably couldn't be faulted for thinking they had Labette County right where they wanted them going into halftime of a Southeast Kansas League game at Harrison Gymnasium here Friday night. The Tigers were hoping to come out in the second half, maybe go after Labette's 6-8 Seth Burris and get him to commit his fourth foul quickly and maybe have a chance at getting a big win over the Grizzlies...
Grizzly second-half run does in FSHS girls
(High School Sports ~ 01/29/06)
ALTAMONT, Kan. -- Labette County's girls dominated an eight-minute stretch of play from the middle of the third quarter into the fourth at Harrison Gymnasium here Friday night as they took a 58-43 win over Fort Scott High School in the opening game of Southeast Kansas League play...
Nevada boys soar into Classic title game (High School Sports ~ 01/29/06)
Herald-Tribune NEVADA, Mo. -- A 20-0 second-half run led the Nevada Tigers over the Kansas City Southeast Knights in pool play of the Seventh Annual Tiger Classic, Friday. The Tigers (11-5) won 45-30, as another strong defensive effort made the difference in the game... -
Lady Tigers conquer distractions, P. Hill (High School Sports ~ 01/29/06)
NEVADA, Mo. -- With the off-court distractions created by knee injuries and a forfeit after beating a rival by 17 points, it would only figure that the Nevada Lady Tigers would be due for an emotional let down, right? Not these Lady Tigers. Nevada, down to only seven players on the varsity, rebounded in overtime after a late collapse to beat the Class 3 second-ranked Pleasant Hill Chicks Friday, 56-49... -
Eagles sweep Jayhawks (High School Sports ~ 01/29/06)
Herald-Tribune MOUND CITY, Kan. -- Uniontown's basketball teams swept Jayhawk-Linn in a Three Rivers League doubleheader here Friday night. Eagle girls took a 53-41 win while the boys prevailed over the Jayhawks, 60-48. Uniontown's girls (2-1 TRL, 6-6 overall) won their game in the second quarter, when they outscored Jayhawk-Linn 18-12... -
Tiger Sharks first (Other Sports ~ 01/29/06)
The Nevada Tiger Sharks traveling basketball team placed first in Galena, Kan., at a youth tournament Jan. 21. Team members include: (front, from left) Morgan McNeley, Madison Johnson, Carly Greer, Sydney Baker, (second row) Rilie Good, Madison Hedges, Madeline Culbertson, Ryleigh Galimberto (back) Coach Kent Culbertson and Coach Mark Hedges... -
Joplin, Ray-Pec in tourney final
(High School Sports ~ 01/29/06)
Herald-Tribune NEVADA, Mo. -- The Joplin Lady Eagles knocked off the number-one seed Carthage Lady Tigers in the semifinals of the Lady Tiger Classic Friday. The Lady Eagles used a 12-0 run in the fourth quarter to erase a two-point deficit and propel them to a 63-53 victory...
'Glory Road' is worth traveling, but don't forget reality
(Sports Column ~ 01/29/06)
Even though what was presented as fact certainly contained some fiction, "Glory Road" was as good a basketball movie as I have seen in quite some time. The movie was about the improbable 1966 NCAA champion Texas Western Miners. Texas Western is known as the University of Texas at El Paso these days, or more commonly UTEP...
Trapping the down time
(Sports Column ~ 01/29/06)
When I was growing up in north Missouri, trapping was a way of life for many residents, but things have changed a lot since then. Today trapping is almost a lost art. There are still a number of brave souls that set traps, but their numbers have dropped dramatically for a lot of reasons, including a declining fur market...
Nathan Lee Garrett - Nicole Lynn Bley (Engagement ~ 01/29/06)
Mr. and Mrs. Allen Bley of Moundville are pleased to announce the engagement and upcoming marriage of their daughter, Nicole Lynne Bley, to Nathan Lee Garrett, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Garrett of Carthage, Mo. Bride-elect Bley, a 2001 graduate of Bronaugh High School, received an Associate of Science degree in Dental Hygiene in May 2005 from Missouri Southern State University. She is currently employed as a dental hygienist in Columbia... -
Colette Jean Lefebvre - Timothy Matthew Davis (Engagement ~ 01/29/06)
Raymond P. and Linda J. Lefebvre of Springfield, Mass., announce the engagement of their daughter, Colette Jean Lefebvre, to Timothy Matthew Davis, son of Danny R. and Kathy E. Davis of Bronaugh. The bride-to-be is a graduate of Cathedral High School and has a bachelor's degree in psychology and history from Westfield State College. ... -
Forkner -- 50 years (Anniversary ~ 01/29/06)
Gene and Mary Ann Post will celebrate their 50th wedding anniversary with a reception from 2 to 4 p.m., Thursday, Feb. 12, 2006, at the Mound City, Kan., Methodist Church. The celebration is open to all. The couple requests the omission of gifts. -
Snyder - Sullivan nuptials (Wedding ~ 01/29/06)
First United Methodist Church, Fort Scott, Kan., was the setting March 19, 2005, for the wedding of Erin Lynn Snyder, Fort Scott, and William Allen Sullivan, Pittsburg, Kan. Parents of the bride are Ron and Kathy Snyder, Fort Scott. The bridegroom is the son of Allen and Mary Sullivan, Girard, Kan...
Stories from Sunday, January 29, 2006
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