Local producer taps morel market (Local News ~ 11/17/06)
By Steve Moyer Nevada Daily Mail They're elusive, highly sought after and a gourmet delight. Morel mushrooms are prized for their delicate flavor and texture; and a local company is set to take advantage of the desire of cooks everywhere to enhance the flavor of the foods they cook by providing an easy-to-use morel oil... -
Clements honored for helping catch burglary suspect (Local News ~ 11/17/06)
By Steve Moyer Nevada Daily Mail Larry Clements was honored Wednesday evening at the Richards Masonic Hall before the Unity Lodge Past Masters Dinner. Clements wasn't honored for being a past master, he was honored by Vernon County Sheriff Ron Peckman for being a good citizen... -
Home cooking fire statistics peak on Thanksgiving Day
(Local News ~ 11/17/06)
n NFPA urges caution when preparing holiday meals. Nevada Daily Mail As Americans prepare Thanksgiving meals, it is imperative that they keep safety in mind since cooking fires are more likely to occur on Thanksgiving than on any other day of the year. The incidence of home cooking fires is roughly three times the daily average on Thanksgiving. In 2004, cooking equipment was involved in 1,040 reported home structure fires on Thanksgiving which was three times the daily average that year...
El Dorado Springs Christmas Festival of Trees set for Nov. 22
(Local News ~ 11/17/06)
Nevada Daily Mail The Wayside Inn Museum and The Preserve Our Past Society are planning to present the "Festival of Trees." The event is scheduled for Wednesday, Nov. 22 beginning at 5:30 p.m. The museum is working in conjunction with the Annual Christmas Lighting Ceremony being held in the park in El Dorado Springs. The museum welcomes you to tour the trees decorated by local students and vote for your favorite tree. The tour is indoors...
City to begin its annual leaf pickup on Dec. 4
(Local News ~ 11/17/06)
Nevada Daily Mail The city of Nevada will begin picking up leaves starting Monday, Dec. 4. Twigs, bags or limbs will not be accepted. Residents are asked to have the leaves raked behind the curb and not in the street. A second round of leaf pickup operations will take place some time in January...
Gage Thomas Hollands
(Births ~ 11/17/06)
Brian and Megan Hollands, Nevada, and Cailyn are proud to announce the birth of their son and brother, Gage Thomas Hollands. Gage was born Oct. 16, 2006, at St. John's Regional Medical Center, Joplin, Mo. He weighed 7 pounds, 8 ounces, and measured 21 inches...
Rainy Days And Mondays
(Column ~ 11/17/06)
The weatherman is predicting rain for late tonight (11/14/06). It is Tuesday, not Monday, but the feeling one gets on a rainy day has never been more appropriately expressed that it was in the song of that title by the Carpenters in their 1971 hit record...
The Way it Was
(Editorial ~ 11/17/06)
100 years ago Fire at Walker this morning The erstwhile quiet and peaceful town of Walker has experienced strenuous times this week and the people of that village and vicinity are somewhat aroused. Tuesday morning the Walker bank was robbed of $1,200, the big safe blown open and the building shattered and before the citizens had recovered from the excitement occasioned by that lawless act they were thrown in a state of panic by a disastrous fire which visited their town this morning. ...
Stories from Friday, November 17, 2006
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