Voters approve $9.8 million in sewer revenue bonds
(Local News ~ 08/08/07)
"I would like to thank the council for all their support and all their help," Nevada City Manager Bill McGuire said after Mayor Bill Edmonds announced during Tues-day's city council meeting that the voters had approved the $9.8 million in sewer revenue bonds by a 394-117 margin...
Terminal project may be terminal
(Local News ~ 08/08/07)
Four years, dozens of meetings, two architects, two completed designs, reams of paper work, three city managers, hours of work by city employees and the long dreamed of brand, spanking new airport terminal and hangar may soon bear the epitaph: Rest in Peace...
Officials dedicate Crowder nursing program (Local News ~ 08/08/07)
A host of local and national dignitaries were in Nevada on Tuesday in commemoration of a new registered nursing program at Crowder College's Nevada campus. After brief opening remarks by Dr. Alan Marble, James B. Tatum, president of the Crowder Board of Trustees, took the podium to introduce special guest speaker U.S. Congressman Ike Skelton... -
Two arrested in drug investigation
(Local News ~ 08/08/07)
According to a report from the Vernon County Sheriff's Office, two people were arrested Monday on several drug charges. Greg A. Lovewell, 44, and Donna S. Wyzard, 43, both of Nevada, were arrested and both charged with distribution of a controlled substance near a school; distribution, delivery or attempt to possess a controlled substance, four charges of possession of a controlled substance; keeping a public nuisance; and unlawful use of drug paraphernalia...
Bonds stands alone
(Other Sports ~ 08/08/07)
SAN FRANCISCO -- Barry Bonds raised both arms over his head like a prize fighter in victory, fists clenched -- and then he took off. It was over at long last. Like him or not, legitimate or not, he is baseball's new home run king. Bonds hit No. 756 to the deepest part of the ballpark Tuesday night, and hammered home that very point. He broke Hank Aaron's storied record with one out in the fifth inning, hitting a full-count, 84 mph fastball from Washington's Mike Bacsik...
Nevada excels at team camp (High School Sports ~ 08/08/07)
WATERLOO, Iowa -- The Nevada High School wrestling team traveled to Waterloo recently to compete in the University of Northern Iowa team camp. Nevada, under head coach Kevin Huck, managed an impressive 9-0-2 record, finishing second only to Tohma, Wisc., which was 10-0-1 -- its only blemish coming in a tie with Nevada... -
Harrisonville man killed in weekend crash
(Local News ~ 08/08/07)
A weekend traffic crash took the life of at 33-year-old Harrisonville man, according to a report from the Missouri State Highway Patrol. The patrol said that the man, Jason C. Hillyer, was northbound on U.S. 71, about 11 miles north of Harrisonville on a 2006 Kawasaki, when he failed to negotiate a curve and lost control, crossed the median and struck a 2005 Chevrolet driven by 25-year-old Robert E. ...
Stories from Wednesday, August 8, 2007
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