Shirley E. Sprenkle
(Obituary ~ 08/14/08)
Shirley E. Sprenkle, 92, Lamar, Mo., passed away on Sunday morning, Aug. 10, 2008, at the Truman Healthcare, in Lamar, following a lengthy illness. She was born Jan. 13, 1916, in Franklin, Kan., to Roy E. Murphy and Susie Boggs Murphy. She married Jesse "Lee" Sprenkle on Feb. 27, 1935, in Neosho, Mo., and preceded her in death on Nov. 15, 1982...
James Edward McCormick
(Obituary ~ 08/14/08)
James Edward McCormick, 76, Nevada, passed away Wednesday, Aug. 13, 2008, at St. John's Regional Medical Center, Joplin, Mo., following an illness of several weeks. He was born July 5, 1932, in Bassel, Kan., to Melvin McCormick and Leta Koots McCormick. He was married Nov. 2, 1962, in Santa Monica, Calif., to Iva Marie Anderson and she survives of the home...
Katie Estelle Sisseck
(Obituary ~ 08/14/08)
Katie Estelle Sisseck, 88, of Liberal, Mo., entered through the gates of heaven on Tuesday, Aug. 12, 2008, at Mercy Hospital, in Fort Scott. She was born on Feb. 8, 1920, in Barton County, Mo., the fourth of six children to Tony Rolando and Sarah Elizabeth Greer Rolando...
Clara Rae Beck
(Obituary ~ 08/14/08)
Clara Rae Beck, age 69, of Springfield, passed away Friday, Aug. 8, 2008, at her home. No memorial services are planned at this time. Ms. Beck was born Dec. 27, 1938, in Stockton, Md., to the late Howard Reaves and Corene Earnest Reaves Johnson. She worked as a waitress and cashier. She was a loving mother and grandmother who always found time for her family and friends...
Sheriff's Report Aug. 12
(Police/Fire Report ~ 08/14/08)
Aug. 12 There were reports of a medical call in the Deerfield area, a burglary in the Sheldon area, a theft in the Nevada area, a 911 wrong number in the Nevada area, a careless and imprudent driver in the Milo area, a careless and imprudent driver in the Horton area, a 911 test in the Deerfield area, an animal complaint in the Harwood area, a theft in the Sheldon area, a parking complain in the Walker area, a domestic assault in the Walker area, a 911 hang up in the Vernon County area, a missing person in the Metz area and a suspicious person in the Schell City area.. ...
Police Report Aug. 12
(Police/Fire Report ~ 08/14/08)
Aug. 12 There was a report of a vehicle theft at 3:23 p.m., at 626 E. Ashland, made by Cheron Weaver. A two door, white 1988, Pontiac Firebird was reported stolen. An accident occurred at 4:12 p.m., in Austin before Ash, involving a car driven by John K. Hurd, of Nevada, and a SUV driven by Pamela M. Halcomb, of Nevada. No injuries were reported...
Tickets from July 4
(Police/Fire Report ~ 08/14/08)
Aug. 4 John R. Lewis, Nevada, no valid operator's license. Lisa J. Nichols, Nevada, no proof of insurance. Russell A. Schlecht, Nevada, three counts of leaving the scene of an accident.
Youth Fair royalty serves with pride in community
(Letter to the Editor ~ 08/14/08)
Dear Editor: Serving as the 2008 Vernon County Youth Fair Queen was a wonderful and rewarding experience. I would like to thank the Bronaugh 4-H club for sponsoring me and giving me this excellent opportunity. At the fair, I love to see all of the work put into the projects by Vernon County youth. ...
Expiration Dates
(Column ~ 08/14/08)
I was cleaning out my refrigerator today and noticed, to my horror, that I had, way in the back of the top shelf, a small carton of sour cream with the expiration date of 12-22-07. I have always wondered how can you tell with sour cream. Can it get too sour, or if there isn't green mold growing on top of it, is it OK to eat it? But that date was staring me in the face. Let's see, that is only not quite nine months past the date it was promised to be good...
Nevada volleyball players gear up for the season (High School Sports ~ 08/14/08)
Sheldon picnic kicks off
(Local News ~ 08/14/08)
The 104th Sheldon Old Settlers' Picnic officially begins today. Opening ceremony is scheduled for 6 p.m. o'clock, followed by the introduction of the 2007 Royalty and this year's Royalty candidates. Friday's events include Pets on Parade and the beginning of the softball tournament at 6 p.m. and a talent show and fiddle contest at 7:30...
Planning Commission sets out to update comprehensive plan
(Local News ~ 08/14/08)
Over the next few months the Nevada Planning Commission will be working to update the city's comprehensive plan, which sets out in print the city's overall development plan that provides guidance for the physical development of the city as well as how that is to be carried out...
Deadline to file for federal economic stimulus is Oct. 15; thousands have still not filed
(Local News ~ 08/14/08)
According to the Missouri Budget Project, 113,147 low-income seniors, veterans, and people with disabilities in Missouri have yet to claim their economic stimulus payments from the federal government, the Missouri Budget Project announced today. Missourians have until Oct. 15 to file a tax return in order to receive a stimulus payment. These unclaimed payments in Missouri alone add up to $33,944,100, which, when claimed by Missourians, could help boost the state's economy...
Local history takes center stage at art gallery (Local News ~ 08/14/08)
A dozen of Nevada's historic landmarks, some still existing, some long since torn down, are stitched into a timeless quilt that hangs in the Vernon County Arts Council gallery on the lower level of the Carnegie Building at Ash and Austin, Nevada. The quilt, created by the United Methodist Women and commemorated in a companion information pamphlet in 2007, was purchased by the Carnegie Building's owner Greg Hoffman, who offered it as a standing display in the gallery. ...
Stories from Thursday, August 14, 2008
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