Morgan Cheyann Leer
(Births ~ 11/19/08)
Jessica and Josh Leer, of Nevada, and big brothers Chase and Wyatt, are proud to announce the birth of their daughter and baby sister, Morgan Cheyann Leer. Morgan was born at 8:22 a.m., on Oct. 31, 2008, at Nevada Regional Medical Center. She weighed 7 pounds, 10 ounces, and measured 20 inches...
Tickets from Nov. 3-6
(Police/Fire Report ~ 11/19/08)
Nov. 3 Johannes W. Brann, El Dorado Springs, speeding 31/15. Jason M. Chubick, Nevada, expired license plates, and no proof of insurance. Earl M. Kennard, Nevada, speeding 26/15. Christine M. Michem, Schell City, expired license plates. Jennifer L. Perkey-Ewing, Rich Hill, speeding 30/15...
Sheriff's Report Nov. 15 and 16
(Police/Fire Report ~ 11/19/08)
Nov. 15 There were reports of harassment in the Nevada area, a medical call in the Walker area, a mailbox vandalism in the Moundville area, dangerous digging in the Metz area, trespassing in the Metz area, suspicious activity in the Nevada area, an agency assist in the Deerfield area, cows missing in the El Dorado Springs area, a civil matter in the Nevada area, property damage in the Harwood area, and a careless and imprudent driver in the Nevada area...
Nevada Middle School seventh grade girls' basketball splits Lamar
(Community Sports ~ 11/19/08)
The Nevada Middle School seventh grade girls' basketball A and B teams took on the Lamar Lady Tigers Tuesday evening with mixed results. The first game of the night got off to a slow start for both sides as neither team seemed to be able to penetrate the strong defense that each was putting up. Lamar seemed to have more aggression on their side as they came out of the opening period with five steals, but Nevada was able to gain a slight advantage and took a 5-2 lead into the second quarter...
Deadline for filing for Wheat Prevented Planting assistance is Dec. 1, FSA says
(Local News ~ 11/19/08)
Many wheat producers in the area have not been able to plant their intended wheat acreage by the Nov. 15 ending planting date for wheat due to the late maturity and harvest of soybeans. The very wet spring delayed planting of spring crops by 30 to 60 days and the cool and wet fall weather further delayed maturity of spring planted crops. A combination of these factors has caused producers not to get their intended wheat acreage planted timely...
Council gives preliminary OK to enclosed shelter house proposal
(Local News ~ 11/19/08)
Construction of the long-awaited enclosed shelter house at Marmaduke Park should begin in the next couple of months, with a proposed completion date of May 1, 2009. This will be the final project to be paid for from the 1/2-cent parks and recreation sales tax that was passed in 1999. The original concept was to install a metal shell building, including the electrical and plumbing work and have city workers do the finish work on the interior, with an estimated price of $90,000 to $100,000...
Nevada parks department prepares for annual light display
(Local News ~ 11/19/08)
Radio Springs Park is now closed for vehicular traffic as final preparation is taking place for the annual holiday light display. The drive through light display will open Thursday, Nov. 27, at 6 p.m. when Mayor Mike Hutchins will preside over the 2008 lighting ceremony. The lighting ceremony is open to the public.and will be open each evening through Dec. 31, at 5:30...
Friends pull together to support family in wake of tragedy
(Local News ~ 11/19/08)
Friends and co-workers of the Shaner family; Chris, Jamie, and Roper; are pulling together to help them recover from the fire that destroyed their home and took the life of their daughter, Taylor. On Sunday, Nov. 16, fire broke out in the Shaner home, Walker. Six-month-old Taylor Shaner suffered serious burns and was transported to Nevada Regional Medical Center and then transferred to Children's Mercy Hospital, Kansas City, where she died from her injuries Monday morning...
Deer could be anywhere
(Local News ~ 11/19/08)
During this time of year, deer are more active, especially during evening and nighttime hours. Drivers are urged to be aware of behavior changes of deer associated with this time of year. It's mating season, which may cause an increase in roadway crossings. Hunting and crop harvesting may cause these animals to be in places they aren't usually seen, according to the Missouri State Highway Patrol...
Obama -- a potential great president
(Letter to the Editor ~ 11/19/08)
Editor: I believe that President-elect Obama has the potential to be a great president and rank with other giants who have gone to the White House before him like Washington, Jefferson, Polk, Lincoln, Arthur, McKinley, Wilson, Roosevelt, Eisenhower, and Reagan. ...
Amanda Wolfe receives 4-H community service award
(Column ~ 11/19/08)
At the 4-H recognition night held Saturday night in the home economic building at the Vernon County Youth Fairgrounds 4-H members and volunteer leaders were recognized for their achievements during the year. It is amazing what many of these young people are accomplishing and the great service that volunteers are rendering to young people and to the community...
Greene County, Mo., Ushers in Missouri's Non-Partisan Court Plan
(Local News ~ 11/19/08)
Dear Editor, Voters in Greene County, Mo., made history last week. In a vote that was little noted outside southwest Missouri, that county became the first in 35 years to opt into Missouri's Non-Partisan Court Plan. This is no small matter. Voters in Greene County, Mo., clearly confirmed that the 70-year-old old Missouri Non-Partisan Court Plan is the best way to choose judges for their growing community. In an overwhelming vote they eliminated partisan elections of trial-level judges...
Stories from Wednesday, November 19, 2008
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