Two graduate from Vernon County Recovery Court
(Local News ~ 05/20/10)
About seven years ago, the first person to enter the Vernon County Drug Court completed the intense program of supervision and treatment to graduate. Tuesday two more graduates, David Hutton and Michael Voigt, completed the program and joined the more than 100 who preceded them. Earlier this year, the Vernon County Drug Court changed its name to the Vernon County Adult Recovery Court to better reflect the objectives of the program...
Steps taken to curb fighting at city facility
(Local News ~ 05/20/10)
In the wake of a fight that broke out last Friday involving several individuals at the Franklin P. Norman Community Center in Nevada, the city is developing policies that address the situation, according to information provided to the Nevada City Council by Nevada City Manager JD Kehrman...
Looking into tomorrow (Local News ~ 05/20/10)
Stepping into the future (Local News ~ 05/20/10)
Fourteen graduates marched into the Northeast Vernon County R-1 High School gym at Walker Saturday evening to receive their diplomas and attend their graduation ceremony. The welcome was given by Issac Wilkins. Gina Naas, high school counselor, presented the honor students. ... -
Were you the valetudinarian of your class?
(Column ~ 05/20/10)
With the recent Cottey College and local high school graduations we have this ceremony in our minds. Often that causes us to think back to some of our own graduations. At a recent Elderhostel when the participants were getting acquainted with each other, one woman told me that her father was the valetudinarian of his high school class. ...
Brier, Mock win Outstanding Athlete awards (High School Sports ~ 05/20/10)
Stories from Thursday, May 20, 2010
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