Parade entry deadline extended
(Local News ~ 11/30/10)
The entry deadline for this year's Nevada/Vernon County holiday parade, "Holiday Traditions," set for 11 a.m., Saturday, Dec. 11. Sponsored this year by Belles & Beaus and Ray's Trophies. entries will be accepted through 5 p.m., Dec. 7. Parade entry is free, so "Come up with your favorite Holiday Traditions and dress up that truck, wagon or trailer. Let's get festive," said chamber director Cat McGrath-Farmer...
PSC hearing on KCPL tonight
(Local News ~ 11/30/10)
The Missouri Public Service Commission will conduct a local public hearing tonight, to receive testimony about electric rate cases filed by Kansas City Power & Light and KCP&L Greater Missouri Operations Company. The event will begin at 5:30, at the Nevada Nevada TeleCenter, 2015 N. West Street...
VA begins paying benefits for new Agent Orange claims
(Local News ~ 11/30/10)
WASHINGTON -- The Department of Veterans Affairs has begun distributing disability benefits to Vietnam Veterans who qualify for compensation under recently liberalized rules for Agent Orange exposure. "The joint efforts of Congress and VA demonstrate a commitment to provide Vietnam Veterans with treatment and compensation for the long-term health effects of herbicide exposure," said Secretary of Veterans Affairs Eric K. Shinseki...
Pageant entry deadline nears
(Local News ~ 11/30/10)
There's still time to sign up for the Miss Merry Christmas pageant, an annual tradition in Vernon County, now through Dec. 1, in order to participate in the pageant, to be held at 6 p.m., Friday, Dec. 10, in the Franklin P. Norman City/County Community Center in Nevada...
City leaf pick-up begins this week
(Local News ~ 11/30/10)
The city of Nevada Public Works Department began its annual leaf pick-up service on Monday, and plans to continue the effort throughout the city. Twigs, bagged leaves or limbs will not be accepted. Please have the leaves raked behind the curb and not in the street...
Extension offers tips on keeping mice outside the home this winter
(Local News ~ 11/30/10)
As outdoor temperatures become colder, mice seek locations that are more hospitable. In many cases, that most agreeable location is inside a home, according to John Hobbs, agriculture and rural development specialist with University of Missouri Extension...
Site selected for Nevada's new tourism office (Local News ~ 11/30/10)
After looking at several location the I.M.P.A.C.T. Nevada Tourism board decided Tuesday evening to re-locate their office in the old Subway restaurant building at 520 N. Centennial Blvd.m when they re-open it in early January. "Our goal is to get closer to the highway," tourism board member Judy Rogers said, adding that the second location being considered, at 101 N. Commercial St., would not be any better than the last location in the Carnegie Building, at the intersection of Ash and Austin... -
LaVern Josephine Henderson
(Obituary ~ 11/30/10)
LaVern Josephine Henderson, 83, Rich Hill, Mo., passed away on Monday, Nov. 29, 2010, at her home in Rich Hill, following a lengthy illness. She was born Jan. 8, 1927, in Nevada, Mo., to Arthur Barker and Sadie Jewell Thurston Barker. She married Willard Clark Henderson on Aug. 14, 1947, in Berryville, Ark. He preceded her in death on Nov. 24, 2004...
Naomi Veronica Kraft
(Obituary ~ 11/30/10)
Naomi Veronica Kraft, 93, Nevada, passed away on Saturday, Nov. 27, 2010, at Moore-Few Care Center in Nevada. Family information and funeral arrangements will be announced later by Ferry Funeral Home, Nevada. View obituary and send condolences on line at www.ferryfuneralhome.com...
Stories from Tuesday, November 30, 2010
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