Angelina Marie Geary (Obituary ~ 11/15/13)
Angelina Marie Geary, 81, Nevada, Mo., passed away at her home on Tuesday, Nov. 13, 2013. She was born on Sept. 29, 1932, in Pleasant Hill, Mo., to Frank Nunez and Mary Ellen Little Nunez. Angelina attended the Nazarene Church in Nevada and loved Sunday school. She loved to read, bake and make candy. Her family was most important to her, especially her grandchildren and great-grandchildren... -
Sheldon school applies for reading grant (Local News ~ 11/15/13)
Nevada Daily Mail Sheldon school will try to provide a boost in reading activities for its students through the Missouri Afterschool Retreat Reading and Assessment grant. "We would have to match 15 percent of the $2,000 grant," Superintendent Tim Judd told the Sheldon Board of Education at its meeting Wednesday... -
More charges filed against parolee
(Local News ~ 11/15/13)
Additional charges have been filed in Vernon County Circuit Court in the ongoing Nevada Police Department investigation into a series of reported thefts from parked automobiles. Earlier this month Nevada police arrested Gabriel S. Goss, 32, a prison parolee from Minnesota who reportedly moved to the Nevada area after his release from prison. Goss was held in the Vernon County Jail with no bond on charges of tampering with a motor vehicle and a parole violation...
Woman arrested in theft of delivery truck
(Local News ~ 11/15/13)
A 24-year-old Kansas City woman has been arrested following an investigation into the theft of a delivery truck. According to the Nevada Police Department, on Thursday, at approximately 1:30 p.m., officers received a report of a stolen vehicle from a business in the 200 block of East Walnut Street in Nevada. The victim reported that he discovered their delivery truck was missing after it was left unattended near the business...
Rich Hill High School group collecting coats for foster children
(Local News ~ 11/15/13)
Lesli Fletcher, a social work student at Pittsburg State University, will partner with the Rich Hill Family, Career, and Community Leaders of America on her project, Keeping Children Warm, which collects new and gently used clothing for foster children...
Little Tiger Den daycare for student's children (Local News ~ 11/15/13)
Nevada Daily Mail The Nevada R-5 School District received one of a very few grants issued each year by the U.S Department of Agriculture Rural Development to cover the cost of equipment for the Little Tiger Den, a child-care facility for children of Nevada High School students... -
What a wonderful fall
(Column ~ 11/15/13)
The more pluses I need to put on "Middle Age Plus" the more I appreciate each season. This fall was remarkable for us here in Vernon County. I heard a remark from one who had taken a trip throughout Missouri to see the leaves' coloring who said that when she returned home she saw as many pretty trees as she had seen in other parts of our colorful state...
How new is it?
(Column ~ 11/15/13)
By Richard Carpenter (This column was written over seven years ago. At the time I was so proud of just how insightful I was regarding tech advancement. Then along came the IPad, the IPhone, Facebook, and such. Even some of these are considered old fashioned by the youth of today. They much prefer something called "Twitter" over the ancient Facebook. Well guess what, it's that time again? I am shopping for my next computer, the first in seven years)!...
Stories from Friday, November 15, 2013
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