Jones unable to play for Kansas Stars' in NBC World Series
(High School Sports ~ 08/06/16)
WICHITA -- Chipper Jones will be unable to play for the Kansas Stars in the National Baseball Congress World Series due to what he called "contractual obligations," the Wichita Eagle has reported. The Kansas Stars, organized by Fort Scottian Adam LaRoche and Wichita Wingnuts co-owner Nate Robertson, both former Major League Baseball players, is a team made up of former MLB players put together to participate in the NBC World Series. ...
Hunters anxiously await start of dove season, Sept. 1 (Outdoors ~ 08/06/16)
It's hard to believe that, in less than a month, hunting seasons will be opening (Sept. 1). Starting with dove, snipe and rail, hunting will get started with a bang. Of course, squirrel season has been going on since May 28th, and frog season started June 30th, but most hunting doesn't get going until the dove season starts Sept. 1... -
NMS VB skills clinic on tap
(High School Sports ~ 08/06/16)
The annual Nevada Middle School Volleyball Skills Practice and Clinic is slated for Aug. 16-18 from 3-5 p.m. at NMS. The clinic is for girls who will be in sixth through eighth-grade for the upcoming school year. Registration for the clinic is set for Aug. 15 during the NMS back to school open house. The registration table will be in the school's gym lobby...
Hume Fair and Rodeo festivities include Kiddie Pedal Pull (Community News ~ 08/06/16)
Even the big kids joined in on the fun during the Kiddie Pedal Pull at the 74th annual Hume Fair and Rodeo, Thursday night, as Bryant Couter gets ready for his first pull. Also pictured, are Zach Fillpot (left) and Ed Bord (right). Photos by Gabe Franklin/Daily Mail... -
Elfreda Koehn (Obituary ~ 08/06/16)
Elfreda Koehn, 70, Compton Junction, Mo., passed away suddenly on Thursday, Aug. 4, 2016, at her home. She was born on Dec. 21, 1945, in Enid, Okla., to Wilmer S. Boehs and Martha Louise (Schmidt) Boehs. She was married to Earl Koehn on Oct. 24, 1964, in Ponca City, Okla., and he survives of the home... -
C. Waggoner Morerod
(Obituary ~ 08/06/16)
Waggoner Morerod, 66, of Kansas City, Kan., passed away Monday, Aug. 1, 2016. Waggoner was born Dec. 1, 1949, in Nevada, Mo., to Shurley B. and Etalka Morerod. He graduated from Schell City High School in 1967, and then went on to receive his Bachelor's Degree in Education from Southwest Baptist University. ...
Whisper, the Sheriff is listening
(Column ~ 08/06/16)
I like to tell a few funny stories from time to time about how brilliant our aspiring criminals can be. I thought I had covered some of the following issues, but apparently we need to cover some of them once again. I did not think it was a secret that phone lines in the jail were recorded. So if there is something confusing about that let me elaborate on it. WE LISTEN TO THOSE RECORDINGS!...
Back to school?
(Column ~ 08/06/16)
Hi neighbors. August is here and the countdown to summer's end is already being announced with back to school sales. How would you feel about having year round school? We already have summer school. Some could take classes scheduled for the next year and gain more credit hours for graduation and free their next years schedule for additional classes of interest...
National Night out at Walton Aquatic Center
(Submitted Story ~ 08/06/16)
Nevada residents joined forces with thousands of communities nationwide Tuesday for the "33rd Annual National Night Out" crime and drug prevention event. National Night Out, which is co-sponsored locally by the city of Nevada Police Department and Parks Department, involves more than 16,728 communities from all 50 states, U.S. ...
City temporarily closes Division Street for 3M construction (Submitted Story ~ 08/06/16)
Nevada Daily Mail 3M Corporation is in the process of closing their landfill located along the north side of Division Street and plans to have a fleet of large trucks and heavy equipment transporting fill material through this area continuously until the project is complete sometime in December or January. This activity will block or make traffic access through this section of Division Street difficult and unsafe... -
Nevada Public Library's Maker Camp a success (Local News ~ 08/06/16)
Nevada Daily Mail For 29 young people, ranging in age from 10 through 16, Thursday was the last day of the second annual Maker Camp sponsored by the Nevada Public Library. The camp sessions ran from noon to 3 p.m. on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday for five weeks... -
Maples given life sentence
(Local News ~ 08/06/16)
Nevada Daily Mail "Mr. Maples, having been found guilty of murder in the first degree of Belinda J. Beisly, the court hereby orders you to a sentence of life imprisonment, to be served at the direction of the Missouri State Department of Corrections," said Cass County Circuit Judge, William B. Collins, Friday afternoon in Vernon County Circuit Court...
Stories from Saturday, August 6, 2016
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