Food distribution for Vernon County seniors scheduled for Tuesday, Aug. 15
(Local News ~ 08/12/23)
Healthy Nevada and Ozark Food Harvest plan to continue hosting the drive-through Mobile Food Pantry for Vernon County residents ages 60 and over. Distributions ae scheduled to take place on Tuesday, Aug. 15. Food distribution sites will be in Walker at the City Park from 9:30 to 10:30 a.m., and then in Deerfield at Emery’s Truck Stop from noon to 1 p.m. Residents of Vernon County may pick up from either location...
Upcoming Sheldon Picnic discussed at Thursday night Aldermen meeting (Local News ~ 08/12/23)
The Sheldon Board of Aldermen gathered on Thursday evening, Aug. 10, led by Mayor Becky Morgan. The meeting focused on important matters, including finances and upcoming community events. During the discussion on finances, Alderman Gene Leininger raised a question. ...
Stories from Saturday, August 12, 2023
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